What is the difference between Inner and equi join?

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  • Mar 24th, 2006

Dear nisha,

Equi join results in a table containing all the feilds of the tables on which join is operated upon based on the property that the field defined in the query must have equal or same values in both the tables.

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  • Mar 24th, 2006

An inner join is a type of join where we use = and <> in the where condition joining the tables. In an equi join we join tables with = operator only

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  • Mar 28th, 2006

Inner and equi joins are not self-joins per se. A self-join joins the table to itself. This is always a form of INNER join.

the term inner join has been coined to differentiate between inner joins and OUTER joins. It's true that an equi-join uses = in the join-predicate. You should prove to yourselves that not equal (<> or !=) in a join will give you a cartesian product in the result.

An equi-join can be either an inner join or an outer join. The true definition of equi-join (in addition to the = relation in the predicate) is that both join columns appear in the result. If one is projected out the equi-join is called a natural join. If other operators are used (<, > which is rare in business databases) the join is called a theata join.? both the equi join and the natural join are forms of the more general theata join.

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  • Apr 19th, 2006

What Ed Di says is the right answer for  inner join and equi join

Inner joins are equi and non equi joins (<> , = conditions in the where clause )

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  • Jul 14th, 2006

@ed di

If other operators are used (<, > which is rare in business databases) the join is called a theata join.

ed di can u explain more about this theata join. actually what is this join i never heared about this.


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