What is a UseCase , and what is the difference between a Usecase and a Testcase.Pls Help

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Rajkumar Mohale, Pune

  • Mar 20th, 2006

Basically from use case we write test case use case is one complete flow of that module or functionality . Test case consist of input value with expected out put value        

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  • Mar 28th, 2006


 usecase is given by the client ,testcase is a document to test whether the application meet coustomer expectations.

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  • Apr 4th, 2006

Hi All,Usecase - Testcases that simulates actual use of the product/service.Testcase - Testcase is a scenario with expected value of output for a given set of inputs.All usecase are testcase and not all testcases are usecases.

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  • Apr 4th, 2006

Use case is one business scenario deduced from High Level ReqtsTest Case is a prcedure to test a particular outcome in a scenario. In a scenario many out comes are possible. If you use some procedure to identify all possible [ and relevant ] test cases, then you call it as test design

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  • Apr 23rd, 2006

Hi All,

Test cases are written accroding to the requirements taken from the documents and that requirements are given by the client. Where in a  USe case testing is done by thinking differently from the test case.The main Objective of testing is to see "How to Break the software"So all use cases are not covered in Test cases but all test cases are covered in Use case.

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  • Mar 30th, 2007

Usecase Document is a document where in u will find 1.Action to b performed 2. expected values.

TCD (Test Case Document) is a document which will b prepared by u as a test eng.

it contails fields like......

S.No | Usecase REF No | Description |Expected | actual value  | Results |Priority | severity   |

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  • Apr 11th, 2007

Use Case:  Possible sequence of interaction between the user and the system. One of the logical flow.

Test Case:  Document which describes typical and atypical situation which will happen when the application is in use.

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  • Jun 5th, 2007

USE CASE:Use case is the graphical representation of the applications work flow.

TEST CASE:Test case is a sequence of steps to be executed to verify a feature.

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  • Oct 16th, 2007

Use case:- Is the document which tells how a user can use the system.
      for eg:- use cases of a credit card.
              1,User can use it at the ATM machine.
              2,User can use it over the internet.
              3,User can use it over the phone.
              4,User can use it with the swipe machine,,,,,etc.
Test Cases :- It is the specification of a set of test data,executable conditions and expected values which are formed for the evaluation of some specific aspect of the software or the functionality of the software.

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Use case is the scenario from where we design test scenarios.we can also describe them  as alternative form of functional specifications.
Generally these r prepared when the functional specfications r comlex to undearstand for testing team.

Test case tells  the test condition to validate s/w wrt s/w requirements.i.e acual output and expected output

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  • May 27th, 2008

Used Case: Are Scenerio Based Test cases,Cases based on Imagining the scenerio,what may be expected out of the product.usually no clear cut specification is there.
Test cases: r Prepared tottaly on the basis of SRS No

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