A] Is the response.sendRedirect ends the existing session?B] If I logged in to a site ( say a.com) & then in same browser window I type the url for another site (say b.com), then does my session gets ended on first site ( a. com ) ?

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  • Mar 22nd, 2006

yes whenever the send.redirect passes to the webcontainer, the control passed to the new site, new session will be initiated.

The same this happens in the browser, when u include a new URL, the control goes to new site, the new session will be opened the older session will be invaildated and thus termiate the thread.

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  • Apr 6th, 2006

If u r using same browser and going from a.com to b.com .

Both sesssion are retained by browser untill unless session do not times out.

I just tried gmail.com to yahoo.com and it works in single browser

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Yes, Ranjan is right. i have also seen the same.

Think when a website using Credit Card validation, it sends data to another site to validate the number and all stuffs of credit card if it is validated successfully one can buy or do something. Then if his session is invalidated then how server knows who is the owner of that credit card which is just validated.

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  • May 19th, 2006

by using the send redirect i think the sesssion should expire.

Because there is no session objects are available for redirected page.

and no request or response objects are availble. 

if write the code in the redirected page like

<%=request.getParameter("")%>;it will print null.

for sending a page to out of scope only we are using redirect otherwise u can use forward()method.

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  • Jun 12th, 2006

 I think they told i.e Shanthini and prabhakar is correct

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  • Nov 9th, 2006

wht i think is session will not expire but only the previous response object will be close and a fresh new response object will be sent to it

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  • Apr 30th, 2008

Prasanth, The case is differnt here.
Assume you have opened gmail.com and logged in... session will be created.
Then you have tried to replace the url as yahoo.com, here the browser will identify the request as new and will get the response from yahoo server but not from google server. Both are entirely different servers.
google container still have your seesion which is not yet invalidated. So you can access the same session. Because we are not intimated to invalide session to container by using logout or etc

If you have some links in gmail account that trasfers the control to other site, assume yahoo, gmail developer used sendredirect function to redirect the request.Here we are calling sendredirect method. It will invalides the session object before sending the request to yahoo.

I hope you get an some idea.


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