What is data set? and what is file set?

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I assume you are referring Lookup fileset only.It is only used for lookup stages only.Dataset: DataStage parallel extender jobs use data sets to manage data within a job. You can think of each link in a job as carrying a data set. The Data Set stage allows you to store data being operated on in a persistent form, which can then be used by other DataStage jobs.FileSet: DataStage can generate and name exported files, write them to their destination, and list the files it has generated in a file whose extension is, by convention, .fs. The data files and the file that lists them are called a file set. This capability is useful because some operating systems impose a 2 GB limit on the size of a file and you need to distribute files among nodes to prevent overruns.

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  • Apr 14th, 2006

file set:- It allows you to read data from or write data to a file set. The stage can have a single input link. a single output link, and a single rejects link. It only executes in parallel modeThe data files and the file that lists them are called a file set. This capability is useful because some operating systems impose a 2 GB limit on the size of a file and you need to distribute files among nodes to prevent overruns.

Datasets r used to import the data in parallel jobs like  odbc in server jobs

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  • Dec 3rd, 2009

The Data Set is a File Stage. It allows you to read Data from or to write data to a data set.

The stage can have a single input link or a single output link. It can be configured to execute in parallel or sequential mode.

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  • Jan 21st, 2012

In lookup stage dont have option to perform the operation with the fileset because file set is native format so we can access the file set through lookup file set and also filse set is a operating system file.

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Anil Kumar

  • Jan 22nd, 2012

A dataset is a file/stage where the data can be read directly by the datastage OS whereas a file set need to be converted into datstage readable format which happens internally.

In simple words the data from the dataset can be read faster then from fileset.

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  • Jan 25th, 2012

The fundamental concept of the Orchestrate framework is the Data Set. Data Sets are the inputs and outputs of Orchestrate operators.

As a concept a Data Set is like a database table, in so far as it is a collection of identically-defined rows. It is the only structure on which Orchestrate operators (of which more later) operate. Each operator accepts input from one Data Set and sends its output to another Data Set.

A Data Set exists on all the processing nodes defined for the job that is currently processing it. That subset of rows in a Data Set that are located on a single processing node is referred to as a "partition" of the Data Set. Technically, a partition is a subset of the rows in a Data Set (or File Set) earmarked for processing on the same processing node.

A control file is associated with each data set. The control file contains the record schema that defines the row structure (effectively its column definitions).

Within a Data Set data are stored in internal, or machine-compatible format.

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  • Apr 28th, 2012

data set and file set are file/stage ,these to are data extract from db.in the data set does not have rejected link file set had rejected link

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