1 2 3 4 + 3 4 5 5 ---------- 4 6 8 9 - 2 3 4 5 ---------- 2 3 4 4 + 1 2 5 4 ------------ 3 6 9 8 ------------Q) Strike off any digit from each number in seven rows (need not be at same place) and combine the same operations with 3 digit numbers to get the same addition. After this strike off another digit from all and add all the No.s to get the same 2 digit No. perform the same process again with 1 digit No.s. Give the ' no.s in 7 rows at each stage.
This question is related to Infosys Interview
Questions by Micky answers by Micky
Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers
1 2 3 4 + 3 4 5 5 ---------- 4 6 8 9 - 2 3 4 5 ---------- 2 3 4 4 + 1 2 5 4 ------------ 3 6 9 8 ------------Q) Strike off any digit from each number in seven rows (need not be at same place) and combine the same operations with 3 digit numbers to get the same addition. After this strike off another digit from all and add all the No.s to get the same 2 digit No. perform the same process again with 1 digit No.s. Give the ' no.s in 7 rows at each stage.
Questions by Micky answers by Micky