Entry criteria for Functionality and Performance testing

What are the entry criteria for Functionality and Performance testing?. What is test metrics?What is the Outcome of Testing?What is the need for testing?Why do you go for White box testing, when Black box testing is available?What is Baseline document, Can you say any two?What are the Qualities of a Tester?What are the various levels of testing? What are the risks involved in testing?What is the difference between functional spec. and Business requirement specification?documents required for quality

Questions by swapna.katare

Showing Answers 1 - 25 of 25 Answers


  • Mar 16th, 2006

To verify the logic of application whether its woking properly or not

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  • Mar 16th, 2006

WHITE BOX TESTING: It takes in the development environiment in the withe box testing they will go review,prototype review,unit testing and integreation tsting will takes place

BLACK BOX TESTING: IT takes in the client environimet it includes system testing,perfomence testing and etc

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  • Mar 16th, 2006

Unit Testing,System testing,Integration testing,System Integration testing,User Accepatance Testing,Functional Testing

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  • Mar 28th, 2006

Testing is the process in which we conferm that software is fullfill the Client requerment or not.

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Swapna Sai

  • Apr 9th, 2006

What is the Outcome of Testing?
Outcome of testing could be anything. A defect might be raised,when a test fails, at the same time testing could be sucessfully done which means status of the test might be a pass.

What is the Outcome of Testing?
To produce a bug free product.

Why do you go for White box testing, when Black box testing is available?

If you want to test an internal functionality of an application then we go for White Box Testing. If you want to test overall functionality with reference to fuctional requirements document without going in depth with the application we go for Black Box Teting

What is Baseline document, Can you say any two?
A baseline document is a document which has covered all the details and went thrugh a "walkthrough". Once a document is baselined it cannot be changed unless there is a change request has been approved. For instance we have requirements document baselined ,then High level design docment baselined and so on....

What is the difference between functional spec. and Business requirement specification?
Functional specifications is referred to a Technical requirements document, technical requirements mainly consists of technical aspects of an application as to how an appilcation should be functioning and how would it effect downstream applications.

Business requirements is document written by the client or product manager which consists of high level details of an application impacted.


Mahesh Kumar

  • May 25th, 2006

Entry Criteria for Testing is

A signed-off FS and Test Plan.

Reviewed and Approved Test Cases.

All the Unit Test cases should be passed.

Build delivered to the testing team from the development team via configuration management should be thoroughly checked whether the build delivered to the testing team is the correct build.



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Mahesh Kumar.G

  • May 25th, 2006

Test Metrics ~ is to be measured(estimating) or collecting of data for the testing.

Ex for Test Metrics:

for writing Test Cases

Signed off SRS,Test Plan.Test Data.

For Testing,

Resources,hardware & software required,any tools to be used.

Gathering information(measuring) how to do your work and what is needed to do your work.



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Mahesh Kumar.G

  • May 25th, 2006

The Outcome of your testing

should clearly explain the client's requirement is met or not.Deviation of the application.

Defect rates - known defects to be reported.Testing efforts put and much efforts to be put in upcoming releases.

Learned lesson from the testing phase of the current release.

Test case pass percentage,Fail percentage.

Overall outcome of your testing should give the good quality product free from bugs.



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Mahesh Kumar.G

  • May 25th, 2006

Testing is needed to check and make sure the client's requirement is met or not.Testing is needed to point the wrong things to work correct as per the requirements.



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  • Jul 26th, 2006

The development will be late. that time we will go to conduct smoke testing.select soe important test cases and execute that one ane only. That minimal no. of test cases are should be covered all functionality of that system.

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  • Nov 2nd, 2006

Hi Swapna,

Thankyou very much the answers which were given was excellent. even a layman can understand.

Ima looking out for a testing job with an experience of 2+ years.

Can u help me plssssssssssss

you can mail me at mallika14_2006@yahoo.com

plssssssssssss help meee



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  • Mar 10th, 2007

1.should be explorer
2.should be trouble shooter
3.should be persuasive.
4.should be tactful and diplomatic.
5.should able to produce good judgement.
6.should be relentless.

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Entry Criteria is nothing but what we are going to inout for carrying out Testing.
            1. Test Plan
            2. Test Case document
            3. Test Data sheet etc.

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Currently we are using a bug tracking tool called Mantis. The order of bug reporting is mentioned below.

1) New
2) assign to
3) acknowldeged
4) wip
5) resolved
6) tested
7) closed

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  • Oct 15th, 2007

Need for testing is,

whether the software/application meets client requirement,
whether it is giving user friendliness,
whether it is suitable to market or not.
Whether the application/software/product giving good quality or not.

For finding and rectifying above, Testing is needed.

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documents required for quality control?

QC: meeting of standards and to identify the cause of unsatisfactory performence.

input docs: work results,Quality managmnt Plan, operational defination and checklists.

methods used : Inspection, control charts, pareto charts, stastical sampling, flowcharting and trend analysis.

output: Quality improvement, accepance decisons, rework, completed checklist and process adjustment.

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What is Baseline document, Can you say any two?

BASELINE: Its the final built produce after managing many changes in the software product.
managing these changes caleed as configurational managemnt, its a process of controlling , co-ordinating and tracking standars and procedures for managing changes in an  evolving s/w product.
Could be two type: version control
                                   changes made in the product.

and documentation of the baseline product is called as baseline documents.
They are of three kind:
Change Mangement Items
change request documents
change control board.

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Zia jamal

  • Apr 14th, 2018

As Per CMMI level 3:Entry Criteria for Functionality are: Completion of Previous cycle,Test Environment set-up,Completion of code migration and code review.And as for performance a Non-Functional Requirement which checks: Load,Stress,Volume and Security etc. of the application and for that the application should be defect free and stable.

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