1. wht are the main things we have to keep in mind while writing the testcases? pls explain with format by giving an example2. how we can write functional and integration testcases?pls explain with format by giving examples3. explain the water fall model and V- model of software development life cycles with block diagrams

Questions by Ramnath

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Mar 14th, 2006

Pls tell me the answer for the same by giving an example with format


  • Mar 24th, 2006


         When write the test cases we have to keep the business rules in mind(ie,what are the constraints we need ).


  • Apr 9th, 2006


                 first we have completley knowledge of business rules. as per business rules we can write the proper testcases


  • Apr 19th, 2006

The main focus while writing test cases should be to cover all the documented requirements, a rudimentary form of doing this is by specifying the exact requirement number/id against every test case. A better way of doing this is by preparing a Traceability Matrix

We should also try and write which cover the implicit requirements along with the expliocit stated ones, some negative test cases to cover unpredicatable scenarios. Effort should be made to test all possible inputs and to apply whatever domain knowledge the tester has.

The test cases should follow a logical flow, and should include all the information required for executing the steps. The writing style should be easy to understand, all these points make it easy for the reviewer to review the test cases, and also help in easy execution of test cases as they might be executed by another person.

The template for writing the test cases should also be followed preperly and all columns should be filled in with the required information.


Gopi K

  • May 4th, 2006


1.All the functionalities should be covered

2.The Test Case should have the high probability of getting the bugs.

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  • Sep 15th, 2006

The main things we have to keep in mind while writing test cases are:

1) cover all the functional requirements in the test case.

2) A good test case is designed in such a way it should have high probability of finding undiscovered errors.

The test case format is:



Requirement No



Test case steps

Test data

Expected result




  • Sep 29th, 2006

Different companies are following defferent types of Test Case formate

Test case ID,Authore,Last Update, version,Req#, Test#,Test Description, Test Design,Input Data, Expected Results, Automated, Severity,Comments.


  • Oct 10th, 2006

can any one give sample testcase

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  • Oct 11th, 2007

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  A B C D E F G H
1 SOLUTION TO QUESTION 1 :              
              TEST CASE DOCUMENT
14 TC_001 To check the application gives an error message when the field   
"User Name " is Blank. 
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in          Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “       “ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1. System should display an error message : “ User Name cannot be blank. 
2.Screen should be able to lead to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should blank for reentry 
15  TC_002 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is valid ( 4-8 Characters )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in          Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = 
             (a)  “   hello    “ 
             (b) “   cskytech    “ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should let the user to log in. 
2.The system should display the welcome screen 
16  TC_003 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is invalid ( <4 Characters )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in          Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “   crs    “ 
2.Password  = “abc"
1.System should display the  error message : “Invalid Username" . The application accepts only 4-8 Character Long String as a valid User Name” 
2.Screen should lead the user to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should be set blank for reentry. 
17  TC_004 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is invalid ( >8 Characters )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in          Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “   crestech_system “ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should display the  error message : “Invalid Username" . The application accepts only 4-8 Character Long String as a valid User Name” 
2.Screen should lead the user to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should be set blank for reentry. 
18  TC_005 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is invalid ( Special Characters )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in          Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “ **CR#??//&& “ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should display the  error message : “Invalid Username" . The application accepts only 4-8 Character Long String as a valid User Name” 
2.Screen should lead the user to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should be set blank for reentry. 
19  TC_006 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is invalid ( Characters in Upper Case   )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in          Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “CRESTECH “ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should display the  error message : “Invalid Username" . The application accepts only 4-8 Character Long String ( Only In Lower Case ) as a valid User Name” 
2.Screen should lead the user to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should be set blank for reentry. 
20  TC_007 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is invalid ( Characters with Leading Spaces   )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in  Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “      arr “ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should display the  error message : “Invalid Username" . The application accepts only 4-8 Character Long String ( With no leading spaces ) as a valid User Name” 
2.Screen should lead the user to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should be set blank for reentry. 
21  TC_008 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is invalid ( Characters with Trailing Spaces   )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in  Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “arr      “ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should display the  error message : “Invalid Username" . The application accepts only 4-8 Character Long String ( With no trailing spaces ) as a valid User Name” 
2.Screen should lead the user to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should be set blank for reentry. 
22  TC_009 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is invalid ( Alphanumeric Starting with Number  )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in  Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “12crest“ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should display the  error message : “Invalid Username" . The application accepts only 4-8 Character Long Alphanumeris String ( With no leading numbers ) as a valid User Name” 
2.Screen should lead the user to the main page or screen. 
3.User Name and Password Field should be set blank for reentry. 
23  TC_010 To check the application allows the user to login to the system when the field   
"User Name " is valid ( Alphanumeric Starting with character  )
1.Launch the application by entering the URL as in  Test Data 
2. Enter the username as in  Test Data 
3. Enter  password as in Test Data 
4. Click on Login Button
1.URL= " www.xyz.com
2.Username = “cre12st“ 
3.Password  = “abc"
1.System should let the user to log in. 
2.The system should display the welcome screen 


  • Apr 20th, 2008

Waterfall Model: The advantage of waterfall development is that it allows for departmentalization and managerial control. A schedule can be set with deadlines for each stage of development and a product can proceed through the development and theoretically, be delivered on time. Development moves from concept, through design, implementation, testing, installation, troubleshooting, and ends up at operation and maintenance. Each phase of development proceeds in strict order, without any overlapping or iterative steps. The disadvantage of waterfall development is that it does not allow for much reflection or revision. Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change something that was not well-thought out in the concept stage.

V Model:
In V model the testing is commenced at the beginning unlike in the traditional models where testing is given attention after the coding phase. When the statement of requirements is in place the test strategies are prepared. The design and development phases are closely knitted and are Quality Checked against various testing phases. The code is tested in unit testing. The Detail design is quality checked by the System Integration testing, the high level design is QC by end to end testing and the requirements are QC by the acceptance or Operational readiness testing.

The advantage in V model is testing cycle involved right at the beginning, which helps in finding faults at the early stage saving time and money.The early u finds the more u save time and money

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