What is the difference between ROWNUM and ROWID

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  • Mar 4th, 2006

the ROWNUM is a number(like serial no) which is dynamically changes.but the ROWID does not change.Because it is having the unique address,which is generated by the oracle

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rownum is a pseudo column. It numbers the records in a result set. The first record that meets the where criteria in a select statement is given rownum=1, and every subsequent record meeting that same criteria increases rownum.

A rowid is a pseudo column (like versions_xid), that uniquely identifies a row within a table, but not within a database. It is possible for two rows of two different tables stored in the same cluster to have the same rowid.

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  • May 17th, 2006

rowid is a hexadecimal representation and
rownum is normal representation of rows uniquely.
SQL> select rowid,rownum,i from t1;
ROWID                                  ROWNUM     I
--------------------------------------------- --------------  ----------
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAA          1             1
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAB          2             2
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAC          3             3
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAD          4             4
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAE          5             5
SQL> select rowid,rownum,i from t1 where i in (1,2,4,5);
ROWID                                  ROWNUM     I
--------------------------------------------- --------------  ----------
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAA          1            1
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAB          2            2
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAD          3            4
AAAM6MAABAAAO8qAAE          4            5

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  • Sep 2nd, 2007

Rowid is a?psudo column and system generated id to a row which is a alphanumaric value. It contains 16 charecters. Rownum is a psudo column which is a sequential order of numbers given to the rows.

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  • Feb 6th, 2008

Rowid:  Hexadecimal string representing the unique address of a row in its table. This datatype is primarily for values returned by the ROWID pseudocolumn.


Rownum: For each row returned by a query, the ROWNUM pseudocolumn returns a number indicating the order in which Oracle selects the row from a table or set of joined rows. The first row selected has a ROWNUM of 1, the second has 2, and so on. You can use ROWNUM to limit the number of rows returned by a query, as in this example:


SELECT * FROM employees WHERE ROWNUM < 10;

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  • Feb 26th, 2008

the ROWNUM is a number(like serial no) which is dynamically changes.but the ROWID does not change.Because it is having the unique address,which is generated by the oracle

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