What is exact use of hibernate?Which is better among jdbc API ,Hibernate,Entity beans?

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Rajender S

  • Apr 10th, 2006


 JDBC: Writing the programmes using JDBC Connection, the user has to take transactions demarcation and changes in the persistence layer (database) it's expensive to propagate the changes in the code , and developer has have the knowledge of database queries.

Entity Bean: Compartive to JDBC Entity beans provide lot of  abstraction about the persistance layer , but that can be configured through the xml files, here configuration of xml and writing the beans are required J2EE experts knowledge , and advantage is that trasnaction can be handled programtic or declartive. it's heavy weight componts.

Hibernate: Hibernate persistance layers sits between the application layer and database.

easy-to-use and powerful object-relational persistence framework for Java applications.

It's Object Relation mapping give maximum flexlibity for the developer to manage the java object easly and provid rich hibernate query language so that user need not worry about the query creation, and one more beautiful feature of hibernate is it's database independent , ie if u want change the Database, just change of single line of hibernate config. xml ie call dialect is sufficient . if i go on discussing like this lot of features are there.


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ramarao g.v

  • Nov 3rd, 2006

I prefer EntityBeans..As there is lot more support from JPA(Java Persistence API) ...

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  • Jul 29th, 2007

Hibernate is used to intract with the database easily and the user need not learn SQL Querys.
JDBC also intracts with database but user can should have knowledge of SQL 

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