Explain StringBuffers and StringTokenizers?

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Anuj Kumar Ratra

  • Feb 25th, 2006

The string tokenizer class allows an application to break a string into tokens. The token value or delimiter can be  specified as an argument in the constructor. Default value of the delimiter is space. This is a legacy class whose use in not encouraged now(use string.split instead). Eg

StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("String tokenizer test");
     while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {




String buffer is the modifiable version of string class. String buffer objects values can be changed i.e they are normal mutable objects.

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  • Feb 26th, 2006

StringTokenizer class can be used to break a string into various parts seprated by some common value.

For example

String str="some:value:in:string";

StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(str,':');





will Return :





Where as StringBuffer  class is modified version of String class, we can say it is better version of String class. String class itself uses StringBuffer class for various operations like concatination etc, Moreover the StringBuffer class is a mutable class, i.e. the values can be changed.

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  • Apr 6th, 2006

StringBuffer is a class it comes with a default buffer all string manipulation are done in this buffer only.StringBuffer class is introduced by designers because String class is a Immutable.

StringTokenizer class is used to seperate strings into tokens as per delimeters.

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  • Apr 22nd, 2006

String Buffer is peer class of String which provide much of the functionality of strings.

  "String represent fixed length immutable character sequences" Where as "String Buffer Represent grow able and writeable character sequences"

 all string manipulation are done in this buffer only.




-- StringBuffer()

-- StringBuffer(int size)

-- StringBuffer(String s)


StringTokenizer class is used to seperate strings into sets of tokens(parts as per delimeters) which in certain sequence convey a semantic meaning

 this class implemtns Enumeration interface so that we can Enumerate string tokens

 "Delimiters are characters which separate the tokens default set of delimiters is whitespace,tab,newline, carriage return



String Tokenizer(String s)

String Tokenizer(String s,String delimeters)

String Tokenizer(String s,String delimeters,Boolean delim as Token)



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