I would like to know information about validations while designing 'Auto Invoice Conversion' interface in AR. and 'Journal Import interface' in GL.

Questions by pmrsrinivas

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Mar 7th, 2006

Hi Following are the Required Validations for Autoinvoice :


?          AR Transaction Type Validation : Check if the Transaction type provided in data file is defined in AR transaction types(RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL)

?         Transaction Batch Source Validation: Check if the source provided in data file is defined in AR transaction Batch source (RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL).

?         Invoice Currency Validation: Check if the currency provided in data file is defined in AR Currency (FND_CURRENCIES).

?         Customer Validation: Check if the Bill to Customer Number, Ship to Customer Number, Bill to Custom Location, Ship to Customer Location provided in the data file is defined in AR Customer(ra_customers).

?         Primary Sales Representative Validation: Sales representative number to be hardcode to ?-3? for ?No Sales Credit.?

?         Term Name : Check if the Term name provided in the data file is defined in Payment terms (RA_TERMS)

?         Validate Sales Credit Type : Sales Credit to hardcode to ?Quota Sales Credit?

?         Inventory Item Validation:  Check if the Item provided in data file is defined in Inventory Items (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS).

?         Unit of  Measurement validation: Check if the UOM provided is defined in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE Table

?         Invoice Tax Code Validation : Check if the Tax Code provided in data file is defined in AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B Table.

?         Invoice GL Date Validation : Check if the GL Data of provided invoices is in open period.Used ARP_UTIL.IS_GL_DATE_VALID API to validate.


Tanks & Regards


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  • Oct 12th, 2007

for GL Validations

Journal Source
Journal Catagorey
Currency Code
Period Name
Currency Conversion Type

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