Wat is virtual wizard in winrunner?

Questions by ashviniarun

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Feb 23rd, 2006

If Win Runner is not able to idetify a object as a specific object , we need to tell to WinRunner abt tht object whether it is a button or Text box. For that Virtual Wizard is useful. From the next time onwords winRunner will idetify as a specific object as we selected in virtual object wizard.

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Radha Krishna

  • Feb 28th, 2006

Vertual objects are those objects which winrunner could not recognice as standard onjects or custom objects. supose we have a lable which has a funuctionality of a button, winrunner does not recognises this as a button object .here we need to make this as vertual object using vertual object wizard.

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I appreciate the replies given by you people.  In fact, when an object is not recognized by the WinRunner first we have to configure that unrecognized object to the WinRunner known object.  For that purpose we use Tools -> GUI configuration in WinRunner.  

Virtual Object Wizard will only come into picture when you are not able to configure an unrecognized object using GUI Configuration, it usually happens with the OS base classes (for eg., Calculator in System, Microsoft uses the base classes directly).  For those kind of things you have to use the Virtual Object Wizard to map a particular screen area to a WinRunner known object.

IMP: You have to place the script generated below (three lines) in start-up script else you have to configure each time you open this test.

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  • Mar 6th, 2006

Hi ram i have a doubt , is it a good way to create virtual wizard in the real application.

Q) If the application is webbased then how to write login script which i have to take more input values from user ie:excell sheet how to do it.

suppose 3 user names i have to login

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  • Mar 21st, 2006

Suppose winrunner could not recongize a standard object or custom object (becoz may be it is a new advanced technology object) .This type of object forcebly to reconngze winrunner using Virtual object wizard in tools menu.


Test Engineer,

SLG Technologies Pvt.Ltd.,Hyderabad.

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  • Mar 31st, 2006

Hi Venkat,

I want to know, in any case whether gui checkpoint functions like button_get_info() etc can be used on the objects mapped using Virtual Object wizard.

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  • Apr 14th, 2006

We can map between Customer object to Standard Object

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  • Apr 27th, 2006

You are wrong Vidyakar. we cant insert any check point on Virtual object. Does Virtual objects have any properties? no. It doesnt have any properties. when u map custom object to stanadard object, WR recognises that particular object by considering its dimensions. thats why u cant insert any checkpoint on Virtual Object.

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  • Jun 3rd, 2006

   In our application sometimes some objects are not recognisable by winrunner due to advanced technology implementation.

  To recognise those type of objects using winrunner we use this virtual object wizard method.

Navigation is as follows:

Tools ---> Vitrual object wizard ---> Click Next ---> Select expected type depending on the nature of Non recognised object ---> Click next ---> mark that Non recognised object ---> Right to click relieve ---> Click next --->  nter  Logical name to that new entry ---> say yes/no to create more virtual objects ---> click finish.

    - Shiva(kittu).

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  • Oct 17th, 2006

The Virtual wizard is to recognize non recognized objects forcebly test engineers are using this option.

sudhakar kolla,

My email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.

My number:09819859346

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

Hi venkateswarlu,

i would like to know if there is any other way to identify the custom objects other than Microsoft classes. How to recognise an object without RTSW, and the above mentioned Vitual obj, is there any other way, please let me know ASAP

naveen K

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