How do you compile a program in Endevor?

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  • Mar 18th, 2006


First I am browsing this website. Anyway I can give answer to this as much as I can.

How do you compile a program in endevor?

Actually in my project we are always do like this. we dont need to comiple the module sepertly. While adding to UT stage 1 it  will be compiled direclty and will give MAX CC . if we have any errors while compiling then we will modify and agian update to UT stage 1.

How can we add to UT stage 1?.

Create SCL first and and submit to this derectly.

If you need further details please ping me



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  • May 21st, 2006

To compile a program through Endeavor.

We need tp prepare aan ADDSCL to compile a program through Endeavor.The following points to be noted while preparing ADDSCL.

1.In which environment are we going to add a program.?As you all know there are different environments in Endeavor such as Production, Test, Accpetance, QuickFix Etc., and it is installation dependent.

2.Select the environment, say if you are adding a program in Test environment

3.Goto Test environment => Choose option Batch => Build SCL => ADD/Update SCL => here we need to give CCID, Processor Group, Override signout(Y/N), Replace Member(Y/N), Element, Type, Comments Etc.,

And finally from which PDS we are adding an element.

4. PF3(2 times) --> leads to the Batch main screen

5. choose Option 2 in Batch main menu i.e., EDIT

6.Check the ADDSCL whether everything is correct.

7. Choose Option 3 i.e., SUBMIT from main Batch Screen.

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In Endevor SCLs are there for every action related to version control of the programs.

For recompiling a program we add a SCL to generate program(s).

simply submit this SCL give a JOB name.

if any abend is there the details can be viewed on SYSVIEW option.



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  • Oct 31st, 2007

Every application needs to setup in Endevor as System & Subsystem names.
Then each type like cobol, jcl, etc should need to be defined under that application in Endevor. Then the actual core work is there is a required processor to be setup for each type under each system in Endevor.

So when an user adds an element/cobol module in to Endevor stage1, it will pick the default processor which might the required processor to compile and linkedit it.

If you want to learn more about it, check in Endevor main menu, display option, then in processor option, after gone inside in to processor, you can see the actual processor along with the variables.

Believe me guys, Endevor is not a magic. The problem is people might not have enough access to see the internal things/ don't want to learn more.

I worked as an Endevor administrator and it is the best configuration product in mainframes.

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  • Oct 25th, 2008

I think the question is how to compile an existing program in unit test or SIT or any region by Endeavor. If the question is just to complie the existing program but not to add the changes to Endeavor, the following option can be used in Endeavor.

a. Use test Endeavor option.
b. Use forground option.
c. Go to 'Generate' option.
d. Mention the program name, type and system name.

The program will be compiled in this region.

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