Whats the difference between PL/SQL and a Cursor?

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Prasad Meduri

  • Feb 16th, 2006


As per my knowledge,

PL-SQL is language to devolop scripts for stored procedures,functions,triggers,cursors etc..

Normally we will call it as PL-SQL block( of code).

if you are aware of this fact, i can say you have to change your question.

incase if you are unaware of the above comment , u can take it.

best wishes

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Vivek Kumar

  • Nov 6th, 2006


PL/SQL is the procedure language and structured query language where code is written in block while cursor is a mechanism by which we can assign a name to a "select statement" and manipulate the information within that SQL statement.

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PL/SQL is a procedural language which is used to make set of operations on the database.Actually the code is written in the form of PL/SQL block

And Cursor is a mechanism which is used to retrieve the data(rows) from the table.

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  • Aug 14th, 2007

A Pl/SQl is Procedural language extension for SQl.U can do certain things
like creating blocks,procedures,functions,triggers etc..

A cursor is a private work area(or u can say it a place) where the query's will be
analysed ,executed and it will also hold the result of a query executed.

There are 2 types of cursors 1.Implicit 2.Explicit.

Implicit cursor--is one which will be created by its own and closed by itself
which a programmer does'nt have to do.It is usually created when a query in a pl/sql
block retreives a single row.

Explicit cursor--is one which a programmer has to create,it is created when a query in a plsql block retreives more than one row.

Hope this information will be usefull to u.

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