Can any one tell me.. what is exact diff between system and End-to End testing??

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  • Feb 8th, 2006

System Testing: You do System testing after Integration tests are completed successfully. The aim of any Sysyem test is to test the complete SYSTEM ( Application, Hardware infrastructure like web servers, Applciation servers, Network, memory, IO, external interface, databases etc.,) in terms of Functionality & Non functional aspects like, Performance(Load, Stability, Scalability, Peak Load, response times of Transactions etc.,)

In this phase, you are actually validating the requirements that are defined during the requirements phase. The business that owns the application is most interested in finding the major defects in terms of functionality & performance.

Some other tests performed could be, transaction volume tests, Transaction times tests, application server/web server response to acertain the efficiency of the application, Applciation and Database Fail-over tests, Cluster tests, Usability tests, Infrastructure tests, Load balancing tests etc.,

All above come under Performace testing.

END TO END Testing:

You do this tests either in System Testing OR User Acceptance testing ( UAT)

Business ( Business Analyst are most interested in this type of tests)

End-to-End testing is a generic word. It means that we are testing from one end to the other end of the application to test a particular functioanlity from the user perspective. For Ex: If you use the application to make a payment to Mr. XXX, using the web, you are not just interested in getting a "Successfully paid to Mr. XXX" message on the web page, but you need to ensure that the payment did reach Mr. XXX after creating an entry in the local database and then update all relevant databases and indeed update the balance after payment. ( one End -to the- other End)

In other words, In end-To-End test, we have to make sure that the entire functional path is exercised so that the software path for this function is tested from this end to the other end, internally. (testing the Functionality of the requirements from the perspective of the user using the system and performing a particualr task)

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