While the script is running we find some values that may be need to be correlated? Is it possible to do manual correlation for those values?

Questions by kiranavn

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers


  • Mar 8th, 2006


No.. while script running you can?t correlate but now auto correlate was came using load runner 8.0.

That is so useful to you.



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  • Mar 20th, 2006

Yes u can do  the manual corelation

go to Vuser in Vugen  there is option for scan for correlation.

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  • Mar 23rd, 2006

Hi all!

    When u wanted to run the script 'n' no of times, you need to parameterize the changing values, according to the requirement. But sometimes, there will be some unique values which will be generated by the system itself. Those values has to be correleted.

A better live example.

Suppose I have to register 5 students.

1. A script has to be recorded for one student, like entering his name address and the examination he is taking. Completed feeding details now, and you have to submit the details. After submitting, you will get a registeration ID , which is unique.

2. You have completed the script now. Now you have to parameterize the student name, his corresponding details, so that every student will have their own details.

3. But, you cannot parameterize the unique Id generated by the system.ie.,registeration Id. So we scan for unique or dynamic values using scan for correlation. It displays the Reg Id. select it and say correlate.

correlation is done to instruct Loadrunner, not to stop the execution of the script, when it finds a unique value.

Hope u all might've got my explanation.

If notso, mail me @ mohangopi@rediffmail.com



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  • Jul 14th, 2006

To find the values to be correlated, the best way is to record two different scripts on the same bussiness process and try to compare them using the WINDIFF tool provided in the VUGEN menu.

You can also compare the scripts using the Examdiff tool( free ware utility found in the internet)

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In the automation process correlation studio will automatically identify the dynamic vlue substitution. If the correlation studio is not identified by itself we can use the manual correlation using WDiff tool supported by the Vugen of the LoadRunner Component.

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