What is the maximum no. of records that can be allowed in VSAM?

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  • Jul 21st, 2006

Its depand upon the CA. Every vsam file allocate record differently. so, its tuff to tell the answer. 

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  • Mar 11th, 2007

it depends upon the DASD .how many volumes available.so it depends upon the available cylinders.

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  • Aug 7th, 2007

The Maximum Number of records which can be stored on KSDS depends on various factors,
1. The record size and its type(fixed length or variable length).
2. The type and sige of the CA which is defined so to say , either cylinders or tracks etc along with  the primary and secondary quantity.
3. The maximum number of extents which we can  get in VSAM are 123 and
4. The percentage free space for CI and CA, being specified during the definition will also plays important role
thus I hope considering all these factors, one can come to a conclusion about the approximate records those can be stored on VSAM file.


  • Apr 15th, 2009

At one time, can't say if this restriction still exists but it had to do with the ability to address the records. Because VSAM only allowed for even numbers, the addressing allowed for 4G of data, so the number of records was limited to what could be fit into that size space.

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