What is the difference between UseCase and TestCase ?Pls let me know with a detailed Example?

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  • Feb 9th, 2006

Use Case is written in Business Design Document(BDD)by the Business Analyst.It is for understanding the functionality for the person who is involved in writing the testcases.


when OK button is clickedScreen 1 appears

Testcase is different perceptions for a functionality to be tested.Usually written by Test Enginneer.The same person who has written the testcase may execute them or the other person

Above Usecase is converted into TestCase keeping in mind different perceptions(-ve and +ve)

ActionExpected ValueActual ValueResult
click on Okscreen 1 should appear(+ve perception)screen1 appearedpass
click on okscreen 2 should appear(-ve perception)screen 1 appearedfail
click on okscreen 2 should appear(-ve perceptionscreen 2 appearedpass

Hope I tried my level best to clarify ur question.If I am wrong in my answer please mailme to bradika_78@yahoo.com

UseCase: Usecases are prepared in the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS).These are prepared by BA from the customer requirements.TestCase: TestCase is prepared using the 'Usecases' from FRS, it is a checklist to test the application is working properlyYou are almost right radika....


  • Feb 15th, 2006

Usecase : Defines what is the functionality to be tested and specified in functional requirement specifications.Testcase : Defines How to test the functionality and is derived from Usecase

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  • Feb 25th, 2006

Usecase describes how to use a functionality and test case verifies a funtionality.

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Pravesh Gupta

  • Mar 21st, 2006

IF this is the usecase then what is test plan ?

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  • Mar 22nd, 2006

use case is prepared by seeing srs document devloped by bussines development officer  ,testcase is prepared by seeing usecase,it is written by

test engineer


  • Aug 7th, 2008

Use cases give an insight of the product's usage from the end user's perspective. A use case explains a set of business events, the input required, people involved in those events and the expected output.

Test Case is a set of sequential steps to execute a test operating on a set of predefined inputs to produce certain expected outputs.

usecase describes actors actions and corresponding response of the application

test cases is a step by step process how to test the functionality of an application

usecase document is a parent document like BRD, FRS, SRS using which we can write test case

A Use Case is a test case that is written from the USER/Client point of view. Following are the examples for test case & use case :

Test Case: for a particular field : "1234" not accepted & "abcd" accepted.

Use Case:  for the same field : "abcd" should be accepted & after SUBMIT (for example) action, "submitted successfully" message should be displayed.

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