Why do Unix systems predominantly use text files?

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Puneet Keswani

  • Sep 8th, 2006

well this question is more towards the architecture that the operating system has inherited and was predominanatly designed in a way that would have been easier for the integration and ifaster implementation by the end user. It is less of mechanisms or processes and more of files as far as the programming part goes. What i feel is you don't need to have separate mechanisms for different data types, and ways to identify them -- you just read input until you find a newline, process it, and write output ending with a newline, then repeat. This means that time you might have had to spend handling I/O in a more complicated API is available for getting real work done. This how a file is organised with respect to the architecture.Instead of requiring every program to develop a way to handle other formats unix provided tools that translated one format into another. Most utilities will accept a list of files on the command line. If you want to send a list of files on standard input. There's a tool (xargs) that takes a list of files on standard input, passes them to some tool, and lets that tool produce whatever output it wants. tHis could be considered as a part of what many called code re-use. so the answer is that the structure of system as decided by developers makes unix more file oriented in architecture which has lot of benefits with few limitations to add too.please corrrect me. Update me if you get a better explaination to this.

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