What is ODS

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  • May 8th, 2005

ODS stands for Online Data Storage. 
It is used to maintain, store the current and up to date information and the transactions regarding the source databases taken from the OLTP system.  
It is directly connected to the source database systems instead of to the staging area. 
It is further connected to data warehouse and moreover can be treated as a part of the data warehouse database.

Edit by Admin :  ODS Stands for Operational Data Store not Online Data Storage


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  • May 14th, 2005

ODS stands for Operational Data Store. 
It is the final integration point in the ETL process before loading the data into the Data Warehouse. 

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Vikas R

  • May 22nd, 2005

ODS stands for Operational Data Store. It contains near real time data. In typical data warehouse architecture, sometimes ODS is used for analytical reporting as well as souce for Data Warehouse.

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Ramesh Puli

  • Jul 25th, 2005

Operationa Data Services is Hybrid structure that has some aspects of a data warehouse and other  
aspects of an Operational system. 
Contains integrated data. 
It can support DSS processing. 
It can also support High transaction processing. 
Placed in between Warehouse and Web to support web users. 


  • Jul 28th, 2005

The form that data warehouse takes in the operational environment. 
Operational data stores can be updated, do provide rapid constant time,and contain only limited amount of historical data 

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Aruna Bhamidipati

  • Aug 4th, 2005

An Operational Data Store presents a consistent picture of the current data stored and managed by transaction processing system. As data is modified in the source system, a copy of the changed data is moved into the ODS. Existing data in the ODS is updated to reflect the current status of the source system

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ravi kumar guturi

  • Mar 9th, 2006

ODS means Operational Data Store

It is used to  store  current data through transactional webpplications,sap,MQ series

Cureent data means particular data from one date into onedate

ods contains 30-90 data

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  • Jun 28th, 2006

hi,An Operational Data Store is a collection of data in support of an organizations need for upto operational, intergrated, collective information. ODS is purely operational construct to address the operational needs of a corporation. While loading data from Stagging to ODS we do the process of data scrubbing, data validation.

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  • Apr 20th, 2007

ODS stands for Operational data store. ODS is a real time integrated data store to manage business process. ODS is a normalized database that integrates operational data in near real time to give the current business performance. Data warehouse is used for strategic decision making while ODS is used to day to day decision making.

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  • May 8th, 2007

ODS is defined as an integrated view of operational data sources designed to support operational monitoring.

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siraj khan

  • Aug 6th, 2007

ODS means Operational Data store. ODS & Staging layer are the two layers between the source and the target datbases in the data warehouse..ODS is used to store the recent data.

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