What is data mining

Answered by Puneet on 2005-05-07 04:24:28: Data mining is a process of extracting hidden trends within a datawarehouse. For example an insurance dataware house can be used to mine data for the most high risk people to insure in a certain geographial area.

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • May 7th, 2005

Data mining is a process of extracting hidden trends within a datawarehouse. For example an insurance dataware house can be used to mine data for the most high risk people to insure in a certain geographial area.

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  • Jun 24th, 2005

In its simple definition you can say data mining is a way to discover new meaning in data.

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  • Aug 23rd, 2005

Good answer

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ravi kumar guturi

  • Mar 9th, 2006

Data Mining is a non-trival process of identified valid,potantially useful and ultimately understand of data

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  • May 24th, 2006

A datawarehouse typically supplies answer to a question like 'who is buying our products/". A data mining approach would seek answer to questions like "Who is NOT buying our products?".

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  • Jul 26th, 2006

Data Mining: Smpler way we can define as DWH(Data Warehouse)+ AI(Artificial Intellegence)used in DSS(Decision Supportive System) 

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  • Mar 7th, 2009

Simple stated that data mining is the KDD Knowledge discovery in large databases. In this hidden patterns are meant to be discovered.
The typical query of data mining is "Tell me something I don't know". How can you tell some one the thing he doesn't know all about, means you cannot write query  to answer this question. So you try to discover some thing using intelligent techniques. As the volume of data is very large for mining so we need fast algorithms, usually run time for mining is O(n) or O(nlogn). O(n2-[n square]) is a kill.

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