Dynamic method Dispatch

What is dynamic method dispatch?

Questions by ganesh_tot

Showing Answers 1 - 23 of 23 Answers

This is a unique feature in JAVA.as the name itself suggests that it is related with run time.In this classes has methods with same method name and signature.However which method will b executed will be decided during run time.

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  • Apr 11th, 2006

Consider this piece of code: 2 classes one derived from another with methods named "method" with same name and signatureclass base

  1. span style="color: #0000ff;">"I am in base methodn""I am in derived methodn"// Reference to base class    

  2. // Now point the reference to object of derived    

  3. // calls derived overridden method because object pointed is of type derived

  4. }

  5. Output:I am in base method I am in derived method


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  • Oct 27th, 2006

This is Mastan
dynamic method dispatch is run time polymorphism , superclass reference variable can refer to subclass object

  1. span style="color: #0000ff;">"a"+"b"

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  • Nov 30th, 2006


I think sub class can instantiate super class instance but can not give right to access its member.


sum1 s=new sum2();

s.m1();// OK

s.m2();// Not rigjht because m2 is a member of sum2 class . If i am wrong then please give clerification


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pranab mohanty

  • Feb 12th, 2007

Dynamic method dispatch is a technique by which a call to a overridden method is solved at runtime rather than compile time..this is how java implements runtime polymorphism.

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  • Apr 24th, 2008

My name is srinivas.Iam very much confused about DYNAMIC METHOD DISPATCH.
Can any one help me with a clear example.

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Dynamic method dispatch is run time polymorphism/late binding. When you override a super class method in subclass, the method which is to be  executed is decided at the run time rather than at the compile time.

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Dynamic method dispatch is the mechanism by which a call to an overridden method is resolved at run time, rather than compile time. Dynamic method dispatch is important because this is how Java implements run-time polymorphism.

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  • Dec 29th, 2011

According to my view in dynamic method dispatching both super class and sub class have same method so in this method in super class dispatches, base class method executed than super class method executed.

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Shahhid Hussain

  • Jan 2nd, 2012

  1. span style="color: #0000ff;">"Inside As callme method""Inside Bs callme method""Inside Cs callme method"// object of type A

  2. // object of type B

  3. // object of type C

  4.     A r; // obtain a reference of type A


  6.     r = a; // r refers to an A object

  7.     r.callme(); // calls As version of callme


  9.     r = b; // r refers to a B object

  10.     r.callme(); // calls Bs version of callme


  12.     r = c; // r refers to a C object

  13.     r.callme(); // calls Cs version of callme

  14.   }

  15. }

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Bismay kumar Biswal

  • Feb 29th, 2012

Dynamic dispatch method is achieved through run time polymorphism.when a method of base class is being overridden by their corresponding child class,the object of that class make the call to their corresponding and it is decided at the run time when object is created though it may be referenced by base class variable

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saroj kumar

  • Apr 9th, 2012

The process of assigning sub class object to super class reference variable is called as Dynamic Dispatch.

Consider the following classes,


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  • Jun 12th, 2012

Hi Friend,

In dynamic method dispatch,super class refers to subclass object and implements method overriding.

  1. span style="color: #0000ff;">"A Beautiful flower.""Rose""Lotus."

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