What is meant by field-level validation and form level validation.

Field- level keyboard events allow you to immediately validate user input : KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp.
Form-level validation is the process of validating all fields on a form at once. it is usually called when the user is ready to proceed to another step.

Questions by ajantha_devi   answers by ajantha_devi

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Field-Level Validation

Field-level validation ensures that the value entered in the field as a whole is in accordance with the application's requirement. If it isn't, you can alert the user to the problem. Appropriate times to perform field-level validations are

  • When the user attempts to leave the field.

  • When the content of the field changes for any reason. This isn't always a feasible strategy. For example, if you're validating a date to be formatted as "mm/dd/yy", it won't be in that format until all the keystrokes are entered.

When a user enters and leaves a field, events occur in the following order:

  1. Enter

  2. GotFocus

  3. Leave

  4. Validating

  5. Validated

  6. LostFocus

Whreas Form Level Validation is done at once when user clicks submitts button ... etc.

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