Write a code for implementation of doubly linked list with use of single pointer in each node

Questions by arati_nayak2000   answers by arati_nayak2000

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  • Jan 1st, 2006

struct node{ int X-or; struct node *next;}node;Have a integer in the node, which stores the PrevNode ^ NextNode. So at any node you can easily get the address of the previous node by performing an X-or operation with the next node address.

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  • Jan 1st, 2006

Store an extra integer which stores the X-or value of addresses of previous node and the next node. Since you have the option of storing one pointer, you can easily retrieve the address of the other node {either previous or next} by performing X-or between the stored integer and the node address (stored one).


  • Jan 24th, 2006

but this solution is as good as having another integer which stores the pointer value directly (instead of having an XORed value). You can always put pointer values and do pointer operations using integer variables.

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struct NODE {
   NODE *pNext;
   NODE *pPrev;
   int nData;

NODE *pHead, *pTail;

// Appends a node to the end of the list
void AppendNode(NODE *pNode)
   if (pHead == NULL) {
      pHead = pNode;
      pNode->pPrev = NULL;
   else {
      pTail->pNext = pNode;
      pNode->pPrev = pTail;
   pTail = pNode;
   pNode->pNext = NULL;

// Inserts a node into the list after pAfter
void InsertNode(NODE *pNode, NODE *pAfter)
   pNode->pNext = pAfter->pNext;
   pNode->pPrev = pAfter;
   if (pAfter->pNext != NULL)
      pAfter->pNext->pPrev = pNode;
      pTail = pNode;
   pAfter->pNext = pNode;

// Removes the specified node from the list
void RemoveNode(NODE *pNode)
   if (pNode->pPrev == NULL)
      pHead = pNode->pNext;
      pNode->pPrev->pNext = pNode->pNext;
   if (pNode->pNext == NULL)
      pTail = pNode->pPrev;
      pNode->pNext->pPrev = pNode->pPrev;

// Deletes the entire list
void DeleteAllNodes()
   while (pHead != NULL)

void main()
   NODE *pNode;

   // Add items to linked list
   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      pNode = new NODE;
      pNode->nData = i;
   // Now display each item in list
   for (pNode = pHead; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) {
      printf("%d\n", pNode->nData);

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simple thing....

just keep one pointer variable that will carry address for previous node and not next one....to find out address of next one just use the formula given below...


struct NODE


int *lleft;

int element;


certain cases:

1) in first node left will have the address for last node.To find the address of second node use this formula 'lleft+sizeof(NODE)'.

2) if second node the left pointer variable contains address of first node and address of second node can b find out using same formula given above.

3) to maitain last node is little tough...because left pointer variable will carry address of second from last node...but to find out the address of first variable(as per rule of doubly linked list.last node should have right pointer pointed to first node so that it can traverse in circular way)...the formula can be used is

lleft-(sizeof(NODE)*number of NODE in LIST)

it means u need to keep track of number of node present in doubly linked list

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hi viral,

???? how does doing simple addtion to the addresses will take u to the next node?

as far as i remember the nodes are not in a sequence in the memory. this is true in case of an array, but not in dynamically allocated memory as in linked list!

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Xavier Raj

  • May 9th, 2006

Hi,I agree with Ashtosh , since linked list nodes are stored dynamically in memory wherever it has space so the simple addition wont give track of nodes but a junk value.we can construct this only by combining two pointer nodes for single data value.its complex too...!

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