What is the difference between Functional Testing and System Testing, there is any marjor difference between these two concepts?

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  • Jan 3rd, 2006

Functional testing is testing just the functionality of the application whereas system testing is top to bottom or end to end testing; testing the entire system as one entity. It is a high level testing.


  • Jan 5th, 2006

Functionality testing is based on functional requirements of the application whereas the system testing is end to end testing it covers all the functionality, performance, usabilty, database, stress testing.

Functional testing is the subset of system testing, but both are blackbox testing

Kiran Synfosys

  • Jan 24th, 2006

Functional Testing is nothing but we r going to check the internal functionality of the application with respect to SRS.This Functional testing consists of following tests:1.Functioanity Testing2Boundary Value Testing3.Input Domain Testing4.Parallel Testing5.Inter-System Testing6.Back-Up testinglike above testings r comes under Functional testingSystem Testing:It is collection of Four testing techniques1.User Interface Testing: This is again consists of the following: a)Usability Testing:Ease of Use,Ease of Operation,Look and feel,easy navigation. b)Manual Support Testing2.Functional Testing3.Performance Testing: This again consists of the following: a)Load Testing b)Stress Testing c)Data Volume Testing4.Security Testing: a)Access Controle b)Authorization c)Encryption Testing

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  • Jan 31st, 2006


     Testing of the whole System with these Testing Concepts like Usability, Functionality, Performance and Security is System Testing.




Functional Testing is part of System Testing. Where Functionality of the application, compatibility, Input Related(Domain) ,Recovery of the application ,Sanitation, Inter system, Configuration , Installation and Parallel Testing is done in Functional testing.

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  • Jun 21st, 2008

functional testing is testing the objects or features of an particular model in an application regorusly

Sytem testing is tht we test the navigation from one end to the other end,whether the application is reaching the final destination

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Functional testing is one aspect of system testing.  Functional testing examines the behavior of a product in relation to its functional requirements in order to verify that these requirements are met.  System testing considers things that go beyond what the client requires in the product.  Clients typically don't consider how the product interacts with system components, nor do they typically consider security issues. System testing not only considers but tests these things.

System testing includes functional testing. 

But it also includes things that are not typically covered by functional testing, such as:

-GUI testing
-Usability testing
-Performance testing
-Compatibility testing
-Error handling testing
-Load testing
-Volume testing
-Stress testing
-User help testing
-Security testing
-Scalability testing
-Capacity testing
-Reliability testing
-Recovery testing
-Installation testing
-Maintenance testing
-Recovery testing and failover testing.
-Accessibility testing


  • Feb 8th, 2010

Functionality testing is based on functional requirements of the application whereas the system testing is end to end testing it covers all the functionality, performance, usabilty, database, stress testing.

System testing is usually required before and after a system is put a place
In the Software Development Life cycle System Testing is the first level where
..the System is tested as a whole
........- The System is tested to verify if it meets the functional and technical
........- The application/System is tested in an environment that closely resembles the
...........production environment where the application will be finally deployed
........- The System Testing enables us to test, verify and validate both the Business
...........requirements as well as the Application Architecture

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  • Jun 13th, 2015

In functional testing what is meant by compatibility testing and capacity testing. Could you explain about Recovery and fail over testing.

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  • Jun 27th, 2015

Functional testing is testing the functionality of the application end to end & System testing is the level of testing which includes both functional & non-functional testings.

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  • Aug 24th, 2015

Functional Testing: Testing the basic component of the modules called functional testing.

System Testing: It is a end-to-end testing, here we check the end system of testing.

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