What is the Difference between OLTP and OLAP

Answered by swetha on 2005-03-30 12:00:33: OLTP 
Current data 
Short database transactions 
Online update/insert/delete 
Normalization is promoted 
High volume transactions 
Transaction recovery is necessary 
Current and historical data 
Long database transactions 
Batch update/insert/delete 
Denormalization is promoted 
Low volume transactions 
Transaction recovery is not necessary 

Showing Answers 1 - 41 of 41 Answers


  • Mar 30th, 2005

Current data 
Short database transactions 
Online update/insert/delete 
Normalization is promoted 
High volume transactions 
Transaction recovery is necessary 
Current and historical data 
Long database transactions 
Batch update/insert/delete 
Denormalization is promoted 
Low volume transactions 
Transaction recovery is not necessary 


  • Jun 5th, 2005

that is exact difference between oltp and OLAP 

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OLTP is nothing but OnLine Transaction Processing ,which  contains a normalised tables and online data,which have frequent insert/updates/delete.

But OLAP(Online Analtical Programming) contains the history of OLTP data, which is, non-volatile ,acts as a Decisions Support System and is used for creating forecasting reports.

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  • May 17th, 2006

Hi deepa,


Warm Regards


from GE Healthcare

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pradeep reddy

  • May 30th, 2006

good answer.

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Krishna Chowdary

  • Aug 30th, 2006

In Oltp's, Data Can be insert,update and Delete.Follows ER Modeling

In OLap's Data cannot be insert,update and Detete. Follows Dimensional Modeling.

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  • Dec 8th, 2006

Hi swetha,

 I read your answer about "Difference between OLTP and OLAP". its good and it was very useful for me. like i need the Difference between EXEC and SP_EXECUTE?

 Thanks & Regards


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  • Mar 28th, 2007


1.current data only

2.insert,update,delete operations are possible

3.continous changing of data

4.1 year data is present

5.only one record is processed at a time

6.data is present in 2d format


1.current+historical data

2.used for reprting and analysis

3.non volatile in nature

4.5-30 yrs of data is stored

5.group of records processed at a time

6.data is present in muti dim format


  • Jul 1st, 2007


detailed data
normalized data
no. of concurrent users are very high.
data is volatile.
size of lotp system is low.
contains current data.
subject oriented
gives operational view of data


summarized data
denormalized data
no. of concurrent users are low.
data is nonvolatile.
contains both current and historic data.
integrated and subject oriented database.
give analytical view.

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  • Oct 30th, 2007

The simple answer would be that OLTP is realtime processing while OLAP is not..

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olap->online analytical processing

 OLAP is a set of specifications which alows the client applications(reports)in retreiving the data from data ware house

oltp->olnline transactional processing

OLTP databases are fully normalized and are designed to consistently store operational data, one transaction at a time.It performs day-to -day operations and not support historical data

Narasimha kumar konakandla

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  • Mar 9th, 2009

Main Differences between OLTP and OLAP are:-

1. User and System Orientation

OLTP: customer-oriented, used for data analysis and querying by clerks, clients and IT professionals.

OLAP: market-oriented, used for data analysis by knowledge workers( managers, executives, analysis).

2. Data Contents

OLTP: manages current data, very detail-oriented.

OLAP: manages large amounts of historical data, provides facilities for summarization and aggregation, stores information at different levels of granularity to support decision making process.

3. Database Design

OLTP: adopts an entity relationship(ER) model and an application-oriented database design.

OLAP: adopts star, snowflake or fact constellation model and a subject-oriented database design.

4. View

OLTP: focuses on the current data within an enterprise or department.

OLAP: spans multiple versions of a database schema due to the evolutionary process of an organization; integrates information from many organizational locations and data stores

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Difference between OLAP and OLTP Systems
Time Scale
  OLTP: This stores current data
  OLAP: This stores History data for analysis

  OLTP: Optimizes update performance by minimizing the number of indexes
  OLAP: Optimizes adhoc queries by including lots of indexes

  OLTP: This is fully normalized
  OLAP: Possibly partially denormalized for performance reasons. As this is used for reporting.

  OLTP: Data stored revolves around business functions
  OLAP: Data stored revolves around information topics.

Stored Values
  OLTP: Stores typically coded data.
  OLAP: Stores descriptive data

  OLTP: Scattered among different databases or DBMS and using different value coding schemes.
  OLAP: Centralized in data warehouse. Or in a collection of subject oriented data marts. 

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  • Oct 20th, 2010

OLTP's are original source data where as OLAP's data comes from various OLTP database.
In OLTP quries are simple quries returning in few seconds whereas quries in OLAP are complex involving aggregates.
OLTP database design is highly normalized OLAP design is denormalized.

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  • Dec 14th, 2010

1) Original source of data
2) Normalized
3) Quries are simple
4) Regular going operations


1) comes from all OLTP's
2) Denormalized
3) Quries are complex
4) Data which is used for analysis

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  • Feb 1st, 2012

2.thousands of users
3.size 1gb to 4gb
4.day to day operations
5.transaction of data,detailed data
6.application oriented

2.hundreads of people(only d organizational)
3.size 100gb to tera bytes
4.decision making
5.summarised data,historical data
6.subject oriented

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  • Jun 22nd, 2013

Hey add these points also,

1)OLTP:Volatile data behavior
OLAP:Non-volatile data behavior
2)OLTP:More no of Users
OLAP:Less no of Users
3)OLTP:E-R model for data modeling
OLAP:Dimension model for data modeling
4)OLTP:Its contains parent and child table
OLAP:Its contains Dimension table and Fact Table
5)OLTP:Designed for daily Transaction Purpose
OLAP:Designed for Queuing and reporting.

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  • Jan 16th, 2015

very useful answer.

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  • Aug 30th, 2016

OLTP: Original Source of data
Running on fundamental business task

OLAP: Data coming from various OLTP sources
Problem Solving, Decision Making

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