What are variable ports and list two situations when they can be used?

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  • Dec 19th, 2005

We have mainly tree ports Inport, Outport, Variable port. Inport represents data is flowing into transformation. Outport is used when data is mapped to next transformation. Variable port is used when we mathematical caluculations are required. If any addition i will be more than happy if you can share.

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  • Dec 28th, 2005

 you can also use as for example consider  price and quantity  and total as a varaible  we can mak a sum on the total_amt by giving


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  • Jan 27th, 2006

variable port is used to break the complex expression into simpler

and also it is used to store intermediate values

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  • Aug 8th, 2013

variable ports are used in transformations like Expression/Aggregator where you can hold a value of incoming data.

This can be helpful when you want to check if incoming column value is same or a changed one by comparing it with the value present in variable port. For example, you want to calculate cumulative salary for all the departments in Emp table. In such case, you need to store the deptno value in a variable port and check this value with incoming deptnos for each iteration and calculate the cumulative salary for each department.

Also, you can use variable port to generate sequence numbers in expression transformation.

Create a variable port V_Seq = V_Seq+1. The initial value for V_Seq is 0 for numeric data type. In this case, the first value for V_Seq = 1, next time, it will be incremented to 2 and so on.

Hope this helps.

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Milind Jadhav

  • Mar 21st, 2015

Informatica follow input variable n output process.thus you can make some calculations in variable port n copy them to the output port to achieve some purpose mostly used in expression tf

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