Define the following and explain their usefulness: Change Management, Configuration Management, Version Control, and Defect Tracking.

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Ranjith Nair

  • Aug 25th, 2005

Change Management->When ever a requirement or a change in requirement comes as a change request,the team has to sit and check the impact due to this new change.Once ,a change request form gets approved ,it will get implemented in the application 
Configuration management->This is realted with configuartion9software,system).Main puropse is for Version controlling.Some organisations are using Visual Source Safe as thier configuration tool.There will be a configuration in charge,who is responsible for the version contralling of all documents,code etc for a project. 

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Change Management:  During software development, requirements are established by key stakeholders and they are baselined.  Any change to these requirements must undergo a formal review process and once again meet agreement with all key stakeholders before it is included in the requirements document and delivered to the development team.  Change management ensures change requests:

1) Meet certain criteria before they are passed on for review.
2) Have met approval by a designated review board.
3) Become baselined in appropriate documentation.
4) Have followed a system of control that is placed on permanent record. 

Configuration Management:  This is the process of tracking and controlling changes in software.  It identifies the functional and physical attributes of a software at various points in time and performs systematic control of changes to the identified attributes for the purpose of maintaining software integrity and traceability throughout the software development life cycle. This process has four primary core responsibilities: 

1) Identify the attributes that define every aspect of a configurable item.
2) Decide, coordinate and approve changes to configurable items.
3) Maintain an account of all changes from previous to new baselines.
4) Assure new baselines have all planned and approved changes.

Version Control:  This serves to manage changes to documents, programs, and other information stored as computer files. It is most commonly used in software development, where a team of people may be changing the same files.  Changes are usually identified by a number or letter code called its "version, "version number" or "version level".

Defect Tracking:  This refers to a process which serves to understand the status, ownership, and the specific details of a defect throughout its life cycle. 

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