Why array index starts from 0[zero] only?

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  • Dec 13th, 2005

c,C++ compilers are build such that.so array index always starts with 0.

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  • Dec 21st, 2005

This boils down to the concept of Binary digits. Take an array size of 64 for example. We start from 0 and end at 63. We require 6 bits.But, if we were to start from 1 and end at 64, we would require 7 bits to store the same number, thus increasing the storage size.


  • Aug 24th, 2006

because the name of an array is actually a pointer to the first element of this array in memory :array[0] is equivalent to *arrayarray[1] is equivalent to *(array + 1)...array[i] is equivalent to *(array + i)

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  • Jan 30th, 2009

The array is terminated by a NULL character. Hence for array elements the space will be length-1. suppose you have 5 elements in an array. The last position is occupied by NULL character, then space available is 4. If the index will start from 1 then how can one store 5 elements. To over come this problems the array index starts from zero(0). It is a prorgamming technique of a programming language.

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  • Jun 23rd, 2010

This boils down to the concept of Binary digits. Take an array size of 64 for example. We start from 0 and end at 63. We require 6 bits.But, if we were to start from 1 and end at 64, we would require 7 bits to store the same number, thus increasing the storage size.

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