How the Price determination process works in sap-mm?

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  • Jan 10th, 2006

By assinging schema group for vendor in vendor master recard,and shema group for

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  • Feb 1st, 2006

For every vendor there are sheets of qoutation and by comparing the prices of various vendors. If there are more then one purchasing organization then the prices can be compared accordingly.

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  • Feb 1st, 2006

For every vendor there are sheets of qoutation and by comparing the prices of various vendors. If there are more then one purchasing organization then the prices can be compared accordingly.

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  • Feb 9th, 2006

in price determination u define condition that table we choose fields,whatever the fields u have choosen that  matches with the po at that time through the acc seq price determination taken into account


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  • Apr 3rd, 2006

Price det. process:

Create a Price schema

Add a condition type if required

Asssign Access sequence to the condition type.

Create a condition table and specify flds required.

Create a cond. rec.

The price schema for the particular mat. has a cond type.This pricing will trigger the price det process. Basically the access sequence assigned to the cond type will search the cond table to find the particular cond. rec. and det the price.

System will search first calculation schema with the combination of schema group for vendor and schema group for purchase organization.

Search for condition recorded belongs to condition types listed in the calculation schema.

System will search condition recorded with determination of accesses sequence.

Accesses sequence contains different accesses,this accesses have condition tables ,this condition tables have key fields.

System will search using this key fields to find the condition record.

This condition recorded is automatically taken in to PO.

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  • Jan 10th, 2018

16 Fields in Pricing Procedure and Their Description
Define Pricing Procedure
A pricing procedure is a procedure by where in which you control the execution of condition tyoes in a sequence you would like . It not only executes the condition types but also controls the execution of condition type by the use of requirements , altcv. altcbv, account key.
In other words, Pricing procedure is a systematic and sequential use of condition types to arrive at a right value of the product.
To determine the pricing procedure SALES AREA (Sales Organization + Distribution Channel + Division) + CUSTOMER PRICING PROCEDURE (from Customer master) + DOCUMENT PRICING PROCEDURE (from Sales Doc type)
To view a select the pricing procedure in SPRO which is the standard and copy it and create our own pricing procedure.
Highlight it and double click the Control icon in the LHS screen.
We can see that there are 16 columns in the pricing procedure, these are going to be used by the system to control the condition types

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