What is 5S?

A) 5S is Japanese method of Work place Management.

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  • Mar 1st, 2006

5S stands for

Sort ? (Seiri)
Set In Order (Seiton)
Shine: (Seiso)
Standardize: (Seiketsu)
Sustain: (Shitsuke)

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The 5S method was devised by the Japanese to improve conditions in the workplace in order to improve safety, increase work efficiency, and acheive a sense of pride and ownership.  They are:

1) Seiri (Clearing up): to remove what is not needed and to keep what is needed

2) Seiton (Organizing): to arrange things so they are easily assessible

3) Seiso (Cleaning): to remove trash and dirt in the workplace

4) Seiketsu (Standardizing): to perpetually maintain cleanliness and organization

5) Shitsuke (Self-discipline): to be committed to the process and have an attitude of compliance to the other four components

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