In Benchmarking, Gap analysis is a method that helps identify the performance or operational differences between your process and that of your benchmarking partners, and to understand why the differences are there

A) True
B) False

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The Gap analysis is a process of finding the organization’s strength and weakness. It is used to find where we are at present and where we should be in the future. This is a general analysis and can be conducted in any processes.

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Benchmarking is one of the improvement technique where organization compare it's process/product/service's performance with other (benchmarking partner) party to know the Gap between the performances. and plan to improve it's own performance( Can be done between different Dept/ between different organizations etc.)

Basic steps followed in benchmarking.

1. Find /measure your own performance( capability baselining)
2. Set /chose benchmarking partner
3. Identify and specify the area for benchmarking
4. initial contact with benchmarking partner
5. Make benchmarking proposal( consider data confidentiality, data sharing, time, place, location, logistics of benchmarking activity)
6. Exchange data/information as per requirement.
7. Analysis the data
8.Initiate improvement plan as per benchmarking information.


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A) True

Gap analysis studies a particular business operation in order to understand the differences between your own practices and those of another company who have proven more successful than your own.  Gap analysis also seeks to determine reasons why your company is not performing as well as another company in that particular area of operation. 

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