What is the difference between HTTP handlers & HTTP modules

Skill/Topic: Advanced
A) Httphandler is an class and Httpmodule is an assembly
B) Httphandler is an event handler and httpmodule is module to do some task
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Dec 9th, 2005



D) None of the above


  • Sep 15th, 2006

The Answer is none of the above. becz..

HTTP handlers are the end point objects in ASP.NET pipeline and an HTTP Handler essentially processes the request and produces the response. For example an ASP.NET Page is an HTTP Handler.

HTTP Modules are objects which also participate the pipeline but they work before and after the HTTP Handler does its job, and produce additional services within the pipeline (for example associating session within a request before HTTP handler executes, and saving the session state after HTTP handler has done its job, is basically done by an HTTP module, SessionStateModule)



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