How do we know which specififations are important if we have short time for testing?

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  • Jan 2nd, 2006

by taking risk analysis specification, which part is more complex  in the application and for which part end user is interacting more we have to test that part first. After that if time permits test the remaining application also.

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  • Aug 8th, 2006

Ans:-If we have short time for testing then we prefer Chimpangy/monkey testing .

Def:-Checking the basic functionality of the application.  

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Risk analysis plays a vital role in this regard.Use risk analysis to determine where testing should be focused. This requires judgment skills, common sense and experience.Which functionality is most important to the project's intended purpose?Which functionality is most visible to the user? Which functionality has the largest safety impact? Which functionality has the largest financial impact on users? Which aspects of the application are most important to the customer? ..etc




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We will give the priority against each test case which writing the test cases, it can be given by doing the risk analysis and also they can be reviewed by TL and approved.

So when ever we have a suffient time then we will execute all test cases, if not we will go for the high priority cases.


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The answer to this question depends on what is meant by "short time for testing".  How short?  Do you have enough time to learn the requirements, author test cases and prioritize them?  If not, then I agree with G.D.S. Prasad when he suggests conducting a risk analysis. 

Ultimately, at the end of the day, you've got to ask yourself this question:  What is the purpose of testing?  If your test effort is meant to simply inform key stakeholders about the state of their product so they can make informed business decisions about it, then don't worry about requirements and conduct exploratory testing while writing test cases.  On the other hand, if your organization wants your test team to have a positive impact on the quality of their product, then I suggest you add resources if necessary to learn requirements and build test cases that cover all of them.  Time may be of the essence, but you have to let your people know that there are no short-cuts to quality. 

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