What is meant by Positive Testing and Negativr Testing?

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Positive Testing is carried with positive perceptions in otherwords testing carried out on the module taking input values which match the customer requirements.

Negative Testing is carried with negative perceptions in otherwords testing carried out on the module taking input values which donot match the customer requirements.

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Positive Testing is carried with an idea of checking whether the Application works as per requirements or not. In otherwords, making sure of whether the system does what it should really is intended to do(generally this is a typical developer's attitude)

Negative Testing is trying to make sure that the application "does what it should not and does not what it should"(generally, this is a typical tester's attitude)

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  • Sep 12th, 2006

      Positive Testing :Testing aimed at showing software works

 NegativeTesting:Testing aimed at showing software does not works.

 sudhakar kolla.

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  • Feb 23rd, 2007

Positive Testing :: A kind of testing who's aim is to pass the software.In positive testing we put all valid inputs.

Negative Testing :: A kind of testing who's aim to fail the software.In nagative testing we put all invalid inputs.

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  • Jul 29th, 2011

Testing aimed at showing software works. Also known as "test to pass".

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joseph reddy

  • Aug 18th, 2011

positive testing:- here we have to test what the application is suppose to do?
Negative testing :-here we have to test what the system is not suppose to do?

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  • Aug 24th, 2011

Positive testing - testing the system by giving the valid data.

negative testing - testing the system by giving invalid data.

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Dillip Palai

  • May 23rd, 2012

Positive Testing - testing the system by giving the valid
Negative Testing - testing the system by giving the Invalid
For Ex,an application contains a textbox and as per the
users Requirements the textbox should accept only
Strings.By providing only String as input data to the
text box & to check whether its working properly or not
means it is Positive Testing.
If giving the input other than String means it is negative

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Awinash Kumar

  • Sep 15th, 2012

Positive Testing - "System should do what is required from system" testing for this perspective is called Positive testing.
Negative Testing - "System should not do what is not required from system" testing for this perspective is called Negative testing.

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  • Nov 30th, 2012

Positive testing # positive test is to verify the function of the software working as they supposed to work.
u have to put valid information .If its working properly that means your software is good .If it show up some error that means your software has defect.
Negative testing#Negative test is to verify the function of the system are not working as they not supposed to work.
If you put invalid information and its show up some error that means this software is good.other ways it has defect.

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Nasruddin Shaik

  • Mar 14th, 2017

Software Testing is the process of Verification and Validation to check the whether the application is working as per customer requirements and specification. While Testing the application, we will give some input date to the system.

Positive Testing: If the tester has used valid input data, we will call it as Positive Testing.

Negative Testing: If the tester has used invalid input data, then we will call it as Negative Testing.

Ex: Suppose, if we take the phone number field as an example, Phone Number field should accept Numerals. If we provide Numerals in the Phone number field, then that is called as Positive Testing. If we provide Alphabets and Special characters in the phone number field, then that is called as Negative testing. In negative testing, the error will be thrown.

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Shubham magre

  • Dec 22nd, 2018

Positive means to test the application with all positive inputs or valid inputs and On other hands, Negative testing means to test the application with all negative inputs/invalid input. (for eg -if we test Name field Text box - then for positive testing we will test the application with all positive inputs like - Enter it with valid data like characters,required min or max character, etc. and for negative testing we will test the application with all negative inputs like blank space, try to put less than min and more than max character value etc. )

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