Difference between UAT and system testing?

What is the difference between UAT and system testing?

I think no difference.

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System Testing: Finding the defects, when the system is tested as a whole, this also called as end to end testing. In this testing, tester needs to test the application from log-in to log-out.

UAT: User acceptance testing is to get the acceptance from the client. UAT is generally done at client's environment. Before UAT pre UAT should be done.



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  • Dec 2nd, 2005

In System testing, System means All requirements including hardware, software, memory, number of users etc.

UAT is user acceptance testing which directly maps to what user wants Vs the what you develop.

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  • Dec 23rd, 2005

system testing is a super set of uat.

in system testing software functionality be checked, while in uat only acceptence of user 'll checked.

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  • Dec 26th, 2005

Sysytem testing is taken up soon after integration.In here we( in my co) basically test those areas where the change as effected and more emphasis is given to those areas where change was effected.And obviously those PVCS trackers openend by you is revisited ( recorded ) to make sure you run couple of the tests whee you had troubles in IT.

Ys,,, then we start the regression testing and every effort is taken to make sure that chnages havent touched the other code areas associated with it and kind of chek that out.



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  • Jan 3rd, 2006

Thanks Suma for your detailed explanation.

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Basivi Reddy

  • Jan 20th, 2006

System Testing shall be conducted based on System Requirements Specifications (SRS).

UAT shall be conducted based on User Requirements document or Business Requirements Specifications (BRS).

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  • Jan 23rd, 2006

Suma Thanks for u rs good explanation

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Sanjay Arya

  • Feb 7th, 2006

System Testing: it is non functional testing. It include Performance Testing, Load Testing and Stress Testing.

Performance Testing is application level testing. where we increase the no. of users and see at what point application response time degrade. After that we optimize the code for decrease the response time.

Load testing is system level testing where we increate the no. of users and see how much resources are required to handle those no. of users. by using system control, by increasing processor, by increase memory

Stress Testing: By giving large complex query or by increasing the no. of users  beyond to its limit and see at what point our application breaks.

UAT : It is done as a user point of view, in this we should consider that application is not hard to use, It is acceptable in existing bussiness environment etc. 

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  • Feb 15th, 2006

System testing is based on Functional Requierment Specification and it is done after integration testing 

UAT is based on client Requierment specification and it is done after system testing in client environment . Most of time it is done by customer only . 

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system testing:

     It is based on SRS(software requirement specification)

    It is 100% black box testing.

    It is done by testers in the organization.

    Defects can be corrected here.

   All possible dummy inputs are checked.


It is based on the business scenario.

It is done by the clients.

If defects are found they are said as failure product.

random inputs are checked.

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In my opinion testing "mindset" is different!In a system testing as a tester we will write more negative testcases to make the software system fail,But in a UAT there will be more +ve test cases to prove ur software system works properlyThank uRaghavendra Bhat

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  • Mar 6th, 2006

 In UAT we verify the system against requirement specification. Here the application should satisfy what the customer wants.

In System testing we verify the system against functional specification. Hre the application should satisfy the higher management of the organization.

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Ravi kumar

  • Mar 15th, 2006

According to my knowledge there is a difference.

In System testing we will test the main functionality of the application, performance, usability, stress testing we will done.

But in UAT the client side people they check only the application behavior like it was executing the correct sub window they will check.

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  • Oct 11th, 2006

System testing is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of Black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is and why as a business user are you interested in it, becomes very important as you reach a stage of having a piece of software delivered to you. The system is claimed to give you major benefits, your team is already stretched running your organisation, and you can ill afford to use their time on something that may be a waste of it

sudhakar kolla.

My email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.

My number:09819859346.

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  • May 6th, 2009

UAT: User Acceptance Testing is the last level of testing where the testing is done with respect to the business scenarios. All scripts written in this stage are either Use cases or Refined system test cases. Testing is done with clients perspective. If system test cases are 100 then UAT test cases will be only 40 rest 60 will not be considered as UAT test cases as they give too much internal specifications related cases.

SYSTEM TESTING: This stage is just before the UAT. This is an end to end testing because while system is tested here from the beginning till the end. All test cases which gets generated in SRS is tested here.

So if you have further queries please revert.

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  • Apr 13th, 2012

To put in a nutshell, Functional Testing is software design based testing; UAT is requirements based testing.

System Test is done as by IT testing team and they need to certify that the application can be handed over to business. Business tests the application that is handed over by IT test team and will get enough confidence before it goes live.

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  • Apr 18th, 2012

System Testing: It should be done by the testers. During this testing process tester will verify the correctness of the system. System testing is implemented by various testing techniques.
1.GUI testing/Usability testing
2.Functional testing
3.Performance testing.
Security testing
Acceptance Testing: In this testing process we will go for two levels of testing
1.Alpha Testing
2.Beta testing.
Alpha testing is also called as off site testing. During this testing process testing team will verify the application in the presence of the end users within the organizational environment.
Beta testing should be done by the end users in their own environment in the presence of releasing team.

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  • Dec 23rd, 2015

UAT: this testing happens in the final phase of testing before moving the software application to market. Testing is performed by the client to certify the system w.r.t requirement that was agreed upon.
There are two types of acceptance testing
1. Alpha-testing
2. Beta-testing

System Testing: It involves the functional and non-functional topics of requirements.

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  • Jan 25th, 2016

System Testing: Here we check the complete application, end to end flow of an application. It is perform by TE.

UAT: Here we check the basic business scenarios used by users. It is perform by customer at there own environment, for their satisfaction. 

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