Difference between Black & White box testing

Answer posted by Radhika on 2005-05-23 18:10:57: Black Box Testing: Testing input/output without knowledge and/or regard of the internal code. Commonly designed/executed by test team. 
White (Glass) Box Testing: Testing input/output with full knowledge and/or regard of the internal code. Commonly designed/executed by Developers. 

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  • May 23rd, 2005

Black Box Testing: Testing input/output without knowledge and/or regard of the internal code. Commonly designed/executed by test team. 
White (Glass) Box Testing: Testing input/output with full knowledge and/or regard of the internal code. Commonly designed/executed by Developers. 

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  • Jul 9th, 2005

in the Black Box testing we test the functionaliy of the application throughly with the help of requirements. here we do not concern about the internal logic of the code. here we check the system, by giving the proper input whether it gives proper output or not. this work done by the testers. 
in the White Box testing we more concern about internal logic of the program i.e; here we check module interface, local datastructures, logical conditions on their true and false side, loops etc;  
designated and executed by the developers. 

C.Chitra Naidu

  • Jul 15th, 2005

Black Box testing is also known as behavioural or closed box testing. It is a software testing technique in which the internal workings of the item to be tested are not known to the tester or they are not taken into consideration. 
White Box Testing is also known as structural,open box, clear box or glass box testing. It is a software testing technique in which an explicit knowledge of the internal workings of the item to be tested are tested.


  • Aug 1st, 2005

White box testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Test cases can be derived that  
1.guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once,  
2. exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides,  
3.execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds, and  
4.exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.

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  • Sep 14th, 2005


 BLACK BOX TESTING:test is based on the behaviour of the aplication.tester doesn't required code knowledge




  • Oct 18th, 2005

What is the difference between testing Techniques and methologies?

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Gangadhar Nidudavolu

  • Dec 27th, 2005

Testing Technique,

     We have different types of testing techniques which defines what process we are following. for Ex: Unit Testing, System Testing, Integration Testing and Acceptance Testing. Apart from this we have Big Bang Testing, Module testing, End-To-End Testing, Data base Testing Etc..

Testing Methodologies,

    Namely we have three methodologies like Black Box Testing, white Box Testing and Grey box testing.

Gangadhar Nidudavolu

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vishal patel

  • Apr 18th, 2006



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Black Box Testing: Testing based on an analysis of the specification of a piece of software without reference to its internal workings. The goal is to test how well the component conforms to the published requirements for the component.

White Box Testing: Testing based on an analysis of internal workings and structure of a piece of software. Includes techniques such as Branch Testing and Path Testing. Also known as Structural Testing and Glass Box Testing. Contrast with Black Box Testing.

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Vijayta Mohanty

  • Apr 17th, 2007

The major contradiction is that

1) Generally black box testing will begin early in the software development i.e. in requirement gathering phase itself. But for white box testing approach one has to wait for the designing has to complete.

2) We can use black testing strategy almost any size either it may be small or large. But white box testing will be effective only for small lines of codes or piece of codes.

3) In white box testing we cannot test Performance of the application. But in Black box testing we can do it.

4 ) In general we have to write large quantity of test cases for whitebox. But in black box its a selcection of sample test cases.

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saurabh sharma

  • Jul 3rd, 2007

When we are testing any application without testing internal code, it is called black box testing and when we are testing the internal logic of any application it is called white box testing.

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  • Oct 18th, 2007

Black Box Testing:

1. Testing the application based on its behaviour is called black box testing.
2. This is also known as "Behavioral Testing".
3. Testers involve in this type of testing.
4. not required for coding knowledge.
5. only concentrating specifications.
6. EX: Functional, Regression Testing, Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, etc.

White Box Testing:

1. Testing the application by using internal structure of the coding of application.
2. Also known as "Structural Testing" or "Glass box Testing".
3. Developers and Testers will involve in this type of testing.
4. Coding Knowledge must for this.
6. contrast of Black Box Testing.
7. Ex: Unit Testing, Code Coverage, Basis Path Testing,etc.


  • Oct 18th, 2007

Black-box and White-box are test design methods.
Black Box:

Test data derived solely from specification, without knowledge of internal structure of program

Synonyms:Behavioral, Functional, Opaque-box, and Closed-box.
White Box:
Test data derived by examining program’s logic.
Synonyms:Structural, Glass-box and Clear-box.

Hope it's clear...


  • Jan 11th, 2008

testing tech....which we use to make testing easily like...equivalence partitioning,boundary value analysis etc

Methodoly:The method we follow like v-model,waterfall,spiral etc

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  • Mar 26th, 2009

The basic difference between black box and white box testing is that in Black box testing we test only the external features by giving different combinations of inputs and their responses.  Black box testing is otherwise known as Specification based testing or Functional based testing.

In case of white box testing we consider the internal code, their structure, their complexity etc. White box testing is otherwise known as Structure based testing.

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  • Oct 19th, 2011

white box testing is also known as"close box "testing.it is a software testing technique .in which an explict knowledge of the internal wrking of the item to be tested are tested
black box testing is also knwn as "behaviour testing"in which the internal working of the item to be tested are not knwn to be tester or they are not taken into considration.

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  • Oct 19th, 2011

Black Box Testing: Testing input/output without knowledge and/or regard of the internal code. Commonly designed/executed by test team.

White (Glass) Box Testing: Testing input/output with full knowledge and/or regard of the internal code. Commonly designed/executed by Developers.

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preeti manoj

  • Apr 30th, 2012

Black box testing does not required knowledge about programming language.. also it does not required skill of development

White box testing must required knowledge about programming and programming development..

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Himanshu Soni

  • May 29th, 2012

Black Box Testing is basically an input output driven testing without bothering about internal and code level details of Application . Here we check only the behaviour of software application with the variation of inputs .

White box is a something more where programming knowledge is essential and tester ought to aware of internal programming structure of Software Application .

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  • Dec 15th, 2012

Black box testing is the process of giving the input to the system and verifying the output. In Black Box Testing tester only knows what the system is supposed to be. He cannot look inside the box. It does not bother about what no. of gyrations does the system perform to generate the output because of this it is also known as behavioral testing, It is also known as Data driven, opaque closed box and Input output driven testing.

Done by systematically reading the contents of the software product.White box testing tester has an access to internal design of the code. In white box testing tester should have programming knowledge to test the application under test. It is also known as glass box testing and structural testing.

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  • May 29th, 2019

White box testing - Testing the applications internal code structure .Testers design the testcases based on the white box testing tecniques such as code coverage,path coverage,conditional coverage.
blackbox testing - Testing functionality of application without knowing the applications internal code.testers design the testcases using blackbox testing techniques such as equalance class partitioning,boundary value analysis,decisio table,state transition flows, and error guessing.

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