In what situation would you want to parameterize a text verification check?

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Arunkumar Y.A

  • Apr 4th, 2005

When you are expecting certain output/result so that the text verification check can be kept for the final results page which displays the content. so that this text verification check will be helpful in identifying the expected results.

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Kankan Anil

  • Jun 20th, 2005

I think verification is the process done when the test results are sent to the developer, developer fixes that and the recitification of the bugs. Then testor need to verification of the bugs which is sent by him

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Parag Baangad

  • Nov 27th, 2006

Text varification would be required if the final results are available on response page of say, post request. The result would be displayed anyways but the content should be checked in response for correctness of same.

In case of signoff from mail server, successfull signoff or error responce shall be reported in final report of Load test. This can be identified with content check and error can be reported.

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  • Jan 21st, 2010

Parameterization is primarily done to verify if the server responds correctly to different types of input. By doing so we are performing a randomization of the input hence covering different user scenarios.

In case of a text verification check, cases are related to the length of the text, the allowable characters and the combinations of different alphanumeric charatcters. By performming parameterization, we can randomise these combinations based on the probability of their occurrence. For example, if a name text field needs to be tested and the DB limit has changed then we need to verify all the conditions like one and many. But we need to note that the name field would have more than one character most of the times.

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Many applications use dynamic values that change each time you use the application.  eg. some server assign a usique session ID for every new session.  so by parameterizing this dynamic value we can make sure that text verifiation check result is not affected due to this issue.

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  • Feb 14th, 2011

Parametirization is the use of variables in your tests, e.g. ${variable} = some_Data

You would use Parametirization for text verification when the text you are checking is a dynamic value.
For example, if you are testing a page that has News articles for today: one day it could say Monday's news, the next day it would say Tuesday's news.
Thereby you would want to make a variable called ${today} and have it check that the result returned from ${today}  returns Tuesday, or whatever day you are expecting.

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