For what purpose are virtual users created?

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Arunkumar Y.A

  • Apr 4th, 2005

To check for n no. of users at real time. So that load and stress test would be evaluated. Performance issues can be captured in many areas based on no. of VUsers. 
N no. of users accessing the application at a time brings the load and how exactly it controls the application.


  • Jun 23rd, 2005

The vusers are created to replace the real users with virtual users to put the load on an application


  • Jul 15th, 2005

This will indicate the no of user need for testing 
Ex: i want test a application with 15 user. Create 15  
virtual users.

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Tanvir Rafi

  • Aug 23rd, 2005

Virtual users are created to emulate real users.


  • Dec 17th, 2005

virtual users are created to simulate actions performed by real user, using this we can emulate heavy load on server


  • Feb 16th, 2006

Each real user need seperate machine to send input to the system.So it raises lot of problem like1. it is expesive requiring llarge amount of personnel and machinery2. it is complicated ,especially co ordinating and sychronizing multiple testers3. it involves high degree of organization to record and analyze results meaningfullyvusers reduces the personnel requirement by emulatig the behavior of real users.Bcause of numerous vusers can run on single computer,it reduces the mechinery requrement can control all the vusers from single point.


  • Sep 15th, 2006

The virtual users  are created for one Real request from multiple request.

 sudhakar kolla.

If you have doubts can ask me.


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  • Dec 13th, 2006

To simulate real time users executing a particular transaction or a set of transactions

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  • Jan 10th, 2010

Virtual users are created to simulate the real time scenario where multiple users perform multiple actions simultaneously.

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Virtual users(VUsers) are the simulation of human users. These Vusers are created in Load test to check whether the system can handle that many Vusers at a time. It is used to evaluate load and stress testing.

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Virtual User means the user, But not a real user. When we perform testing we just create users which are as like as real users. For giving the continual load to the application we create virtual users.  Because it is not possiable to give the load by real users.

In short for providing load to the application we created virtual users.

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Load testing is simply testing up to how much simultaneous user can use/avail the application.
Hence we need to test the application with hell lot of user which is not always possible in real world scenario.
Hence we generate virtual user imitating real word user .
Virtual users are nothing but the threads generated by the tool or system which behaves as a real world user.

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  • Mar 18th, 2014

Hi all,

According to my knowledge Virtual users are created to simulate the real users behavior.In Real time,we cant gather all the real users at a time at same place and sitting before systems and to test with application.In such a situation we have to create Virtual users which activities should match with the real users.And by using the virtual users we are testing the performance of the web application or any other applications.


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  • Aug 31st, 2014

Load testing is a black box testing technique to test the application with a multiple no of users at a time 1.e, the peak time for that particular application.

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