What are the points to check in web testing?How web testing is followed?

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  • Dec 19th, 2005

Web testing has following things to check

Link testing

Feature provided by the web aplication should be tested known as feature testing

Load testing of the web aplication or web page provided

UI testing of the web base aplication

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While performing WEB Testing following features are required to be test:-

1.Functionality testing- testing the functional points of the application.

2.Link Testing- whether the link is redirecting the user to expected page.

3.Testing for Orphan pages- pages that are not linked.

4.Look and feel of the application with different browsers, resolutions etc.

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  • Oct 24th, 2006

Specific to web based application :

1. GUI (Font, Control Alignment, Control Size, Spelling, resolution etc.)

2. Performance-response time  (Page should be displayed/refreshed within certain period of time)

3. HTML tags in text box / text area.

4. Security Testing (e.g. Save the URL, Clear cookies, paste the URL in new browser window, it should not allowed to open, should redirect to login/default page, also Cookies verification), Annonymous Access (Hacking)

5. Link redirections or dead link verification


  • Nov 6th, 2007

points to be considered while testing Web applications are
2)LSPS(Load, Stress, Performance, Scalability)Test
3)GUI test
4)Navigation test, Page test,Form Test,Link test.

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I would consider the following when testing a website:

1) Graphic User Interface (GUI)
     a) Text
             -font sizes
     b) Format (adheres to spec?)
            - dialogs 
            - HTML links
            - images
            - color pallete
            - flexibility (resize window)
            - screen resolutions
      c) Useability
            - text boxes, menus
            - form submissions
            - navigation
            - authentication (login)
            - advertisements (if applicable)
      d) Adherence to marketing and legal

       a) Authorization and adherence to roles (admin, user, guest)
       b) Site and web page exploitations

Ensure pages render with speed specified by spec.

Ensure pages are accessible to the visually challenged.

a) Browser independence
b) Operating systems independence

Ensure site can handle peak user load.

Attempt to find the website's breaking point at predefined location(s).

Verify multi-language deployments of the web-site (if applicable).

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Here are a few things to examine during web testing:

- page layout
- links
- focus
- tab order
- text appearance
- headings, titles, and labels
- text boxes and validation
- menus and lists
- navigation
- scrolling and paging
- screen-based controls
- graphics, images, and multimedia
- search
- help
- accessibility
- security
- database
- functionality
- usability
- business logic
- concurrency
- user access and roles
- state management
- localization
- internationalization
- compatibility
- performance
- stress
- load

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