I have Employee information in MS-Excel format , now i want to convert in to Oracle database. is it possible to do this task, can any one please help me

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Dec 14th, 2005

 Not sure how to do using sqlplus, but this task can be easily done if you have Toad . first Create the table with proper specification.             

select   from menu - database - import - table data

complete the wizard and it is done.

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  • Dec 27th, 2005

u can transfer the data from the excel sheet to oracle d/b using SQL loader

first u need to create the appropriate table with exact matches in the excel sheet

then create the SQL loader control file there u have to specify the spacing how it is in excel sheet and the file name and the table name where the data has to be stored

this is achived easily using the SQL loader go theu the documentation of SQL loader u can do easily using tht

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manish kumar dixit

  • Jan 6th, 2006

yes you can convert the file in oracle db format.

just choose the import option from the menu.and choose destination folder as .exel and import the file.

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ali hassan

  • Jan 29th, 2006

please solve this problem.I can't open files by EXEL.

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  • Jan 31st, 2006

for ur problem u can try for export, import in sql plus. i have done something in database datas to note pad.for ur problem u can try on dat.

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  • Mar 12th, 2006

Hi,i have Employee information in MS-Excel format , now i want to convert in to SQL server database. is it possible to do this task,Thanx in Advance,

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Chiranjeevi Manne

  • Mar 30th, 2007

Convert the excel sheet into .CSV format and then use SQL Loader to load the data from .csv file into oracle database

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Wilson Gunanithi . J

  • Jun 21st, 2007

Yes , This is possible by using DTS wizard...

Or by the query you can do that using the provider name...

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nidhi sharma

  • Aug 9th, 2007

Excel -> CSV -> Oracle

  • Save the Excel spreadsheet as file type 'CSV' (Comma-Separated Values).
  • Transfer the .csv file to the Oracle server (usually HP Unix).
  • Create the Oracle table, using the SQL CREATE TABLE statement to define the table's column lengths and types.
    Here's an example of an sqlplus 'CREATE TABLE' statement:
  • Use sqlload to load the .csv file into the Oracle table.
    Create a sqlload control file like this:
    load data infile spec_rat.csv replace into table species_ratings fields terminated by ',' (species,count,rating) 
  • Invoke sqlload to read the .csv file into the new table, creating one row in the table for each line in the .csv file. This is done as a Unix command:
    % sqlload userid=username/password control= log=.log
    This will create a log file .log. Check it for loading errors.
  • Use these sqlplus commands to check the Oracle table:
  • You're done.
  • kollati

    • Apr 21st, 2011


    If you are Good at Command line use SQL loaded to convert the data.

    IF you are GUI specialist use Toad..it's very easy.


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