What is data - driven automation?

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srinivasa reddy

  • Mar 15th, 2005

Testing the same set of functionality using winrunner with different inputs is Data Driven test. This can be done by Data Table & Parametarization.

shashidhara km

  • May 5th, 2005

Data driven automation means driven by diffrent set of data using the data by givne in excel or notepad. is called the DDA

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  • May 10th, 2005

Testing the functionality with more test cases becomes laborious as the functionality grows. For multiple sets of data (test cases), you can execute the test once in which you can figure out for which data it has failed and for which data, the test has passed. This feature is available in the WinRunner with the data driven test where the data can be taken from an excel sheet or notepad.

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  • May 10th, 2005

If u want 2 check ur application,when same operations with Multiple Sets of data use data driven table

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  • Jul 12th, 2005

An application has to be tested with multiple sets of data.The automation test script written for one input can be used for number of inputs using DDTin WINRUNNERThe test script has to be converted into DDT by creating a corresponding data table with the sets od data you want to test. 
In DDt we have functions to open and to close the table.They are 
A table can be openned in READ or READ WRITE mode.. 
We want to test multiple sets of data so we use TSL function  
for loop. 
We can retrive the data from a particular row by using the ROW_COUNT(); 
We have to "parameterize" the data 

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  • Jul 21st, 2005

How can a .net application be tested?plz give me the steps that are to be followed for it's testing?

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Ravi Allam

  • Aug 22nd, 2005

Perform the same operation with diffrent set of data.

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  • Sep 9th, 2005

It is typically an application-independent automation framework designed to process our tests. These tests are developed as data tables using a keyword vocabulary that is independent of the test automation tool used to execute them. This keyword vocabulary should also be suitable for manual testing.

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  • Sep 16th, 2005

Executing a testcase with diffrent set of input valuesstored in database is called Data Driven automation

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  • Nov 20th, 2005

Testing the same functionality/testcase  with multiple sets of data which is stored in a Database ,with the same set of test script.

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  • Dec 10th, 2005

One Functionality executing no. of times with different set of data is known as DDT.  default.xls (excel or some other) sheet used to operate the DDT function in Winrunner.

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  • Dec 26th, 2005


My Suggestion Is to Adapt to KeyWord Driven Test Compare to DDT...Y Bcoz we can't fully Parameterize the Data.......


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  • Mar 14th, 2006

Data driven means running the test script with multiple set of data inputs.It may be using any automation tools like WinRunner,QTP etc.

In case of Winrunner u need to open the data table first in read / write mode,thenget the row count of data table,set the row and finally pass the values to particular fields of the application.And at the end u need to close the data table.

In case of QTP we can use the data table which is available( either Global/Action sheet).Or else u can import the data table externally ( say excel sheet,csv file,text file) and we can pass the data's from the external file to particular fields of an application.This kind of method is most recommended so that people can maintain the script only by external files like excel sheet,csv file and text file.No need to make modifications in QTP scripts.

hope u guys understood rt ?

Thanks & Regards


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  • Apr 22nd, 2006

For a .net application datadriven testing using winrunner is impossible because winrunner doesn't supports .net application.

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

Data Driven Tests are tests in which the Scripts Parameters are Specified by data in a External excel file. when? a? test is made driven it iterates through the same set of TSL statements , as many times as there are rows in the table each time with a different data. So , the next time you want different set of data we just modify the table and test behavior also will be modified.

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Date Driven automation is one of the Framwork used in QTP. The basic functionality of this techniques is that when ever we come across multiple number of data value for the same functionality then do once time record/script with one set of value, rest of number of values can be given through the data table in built or from an external source..

Data driven testing is nothing but running the recorded script continuously as many required times  by passing the required input/test data...

But while running  the script we need to import the test data /input from the db or from the local/global sheet .

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  • Oct 25th, 2010

Data driven automation is automating the data driven testing, which means giving different sets of data to the same test case or test script. Data driven testing is a characteristic of Win Runner. Data driven testing is called as Parameterization in QTP.

In QTP we give some set of data in the data table and this data is used as input to the test script and in winrunner we give data in a seperate Excel sheet

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In data-driven testing, testing is done using different types and a large number of test data.
Since its a very much time consuming process, so this technique is normally automated.

To make it automated, test datas are stored in a file or a spread-sheet and then scripts are written called "Control Script" whose work is to read data from file or a spread-sheet and input the same test data to an intended field.


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  • Apr 22nd, 2012

Testing the application functionality by giving different set of data for that we need data table.
( Testing the single functionality by giving multiple set of data) this also called parametrization.

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  • Nov 8th, 2012

Data-Driven means Data is separately available,we can retrieve the data from external sources.use this data in a script.it contains some sets of data thats data is run on single testcases.it can check the operations with multiple times

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mekala m

  • Sep 9th, 2013

Its nothing but passing the multiple values during run time by using data table or excel sheet.

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  • Nov 21st, 2014

Data driven testing is a one type of framework.testing the application with multiple set of inputs with the use of excel sheet it is called Data Driven Testing(DDT).

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