3-tier architecture in Java

Explain about 3-tier architecture in Java

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  • Nov 13th, 2005

A Typical J2ee application contains 3 tiers such as presentation tier , business tier,Information/Database tier.

The presentation tier mainly concerns with presentation logic generally implemented by servlets and jsps.

Business tier contains business components such as EJBs contains business logic.

Databse tier contains persistent data generally stored in a RDBMS such as Oracle,DB2 and so on.

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parul sheth

  • Nov 21st, 2005

g s mohan Wrote:

A Typical J2ee application contains 3 tiers such as presentation tier , business tier,Information/Database tier.

The presentation tier mainly concerns with presentation logic generally implemented by servlets and jsps.

Business tier contains business components such as EJBs contains business logic.

Databse tier contains persistent data generally stored in a RDBMS such as Oracle,DB2 and so on.

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  • Nov 30th, 2005

Hi, this is a very good thing to join a java group like this where one can find solution to his/her questions related to java or other subjects too.

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  • Nov 30th, 2005

your application+server which u r contacting+database to store data

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Tarun Wadhwa

  • Dec 3rd, 2005

3-tier Application:

 Application basically consist of tiers. Here tiers means front end and backend.

Here Three tiers means


Middleware or BusinessLogiv


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  • Dec 6th, 2005

Client , that is not directly communicate with the database. The middleware that takes the request from client, preforms the operations & communicate with the database & send the response to the client.

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sujeet mothsara

  • Dec 11th, 2005


The first  tier is persentation tier that should include static html and its tag while business logic 2nd tier is covered by jsp,servelts,ejb and third is obvious data tier.

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rakesh vashisht

  • Dec 12th, 2005

Basically three tier architecture lets u define the functionality in such a way that u can easily code the concept for presentaion , business logic, database connection.

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rakesh vashisht

  • Dec 12th, 2005

Basically three tier architecture lets u define the functionality in such a way that u can easily code the concept for presentaion , business logic, database connection.

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  • Dec 15th, 2005

Three tiers in J2EE are : Presentation Tier, Business Logic Tier & the Persistence Tier. However, when we say three tier architecture, it means that the Business logic tier is not clubbed either with the presentation tier or the persistence tier. The three are separate. No question of fat client or the fat server. All processing logic is in the business logic tier.

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  • Jan 20th, 2006

Three-tier is a client-server architecture in which the presentation layer, business logic, data storage and data access are developed and maintained as independent modules.

The three-tier architecture is intended to allow any of the Three tiers to be upgraded or replaced independently as requirements or technology change.

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  • Feb 1st, 2006

code seperation between  presentation,business logic,database connection

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  • Feb 26th, 2006

 1st tier- presentation tier or webclient.

2nd tier- business module or webserver

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navneet raushan

  • Feb 28th, 2006

3- tier architecture means, you can contract directly from database. there is no need any middleware native access library. that's why it is fast compared to 2-tier architecture.

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  • Mar 31st, 2006

Prestation Layer:


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  • Mar 31st, 2006

Presentation Layer: Contains Uesr interface basically forms generated by JSP,Servlets.

Businee Layer : Basically EJB,Session Beans which captures the users entered data in client side.and process the logic using JDBC connectivity.The beans may communicate with another separet layer which contains pure database query result sets.

Database Layer : It is where the applocation datas are stored and retreived,(Oracle,MYSQ.Access)

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  • May 21st, 2006

Hi Friends,


A 3-tier Application contain three tiers .each tier take care of a particular tast.The tiers are  presentation tier , business tier, Information/Database tier. The presentation tier mainly concerns with presentation logic generally implemented by servlets and jsps or any GUI application.Business tier contains business components which contains business logic. Databse tier contains persistent data generally stored in a RDBMS such as Oracle,DB2 etc..











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  • Jun 21st, 2006

Waht is mean by middle tier? waht are all the costraints it should concentrate on?

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  • Sep 26th, 2007

Three tier architecture deals with three layers. Presentation Layer, Control Layer and Database Layer(Model layer in generic) Presentation Layer deal with all front end pages which are developed with JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSF(new), AJAX(new) like this.
We call this as front end because..this is only layer visible to the client who ever use the web application we created. They are not bothered about the control layer and model layer.

Now Coming to Control layer, this is the place where actual magic works out. Here we take a request from Presentation Layer and do all magic and if any data is provided from presentation layer , we will write the logic to store that data in to Database Layer(yet to discuss about this layer)If client needs and data we will write the logic to fetch the data from the database layer.

Coming to Database Layer(trash can) we will store all the good and bad in this layer
we need to create tables with primary keys and foreign keys and keeps the trash can ready..so when ever the data comes from the presentation layer we will keep that into our trash can and if any person requests data we will fetch from this can.

We can also make 4 tier by seperating the control layer into two parts like..one part is to just delegate the requests to all layers and the other part just to perform bussiness logic. When we are using 3 tier and use servlet(no matter ActionServlet or HttpServlet)this servlet is responsible to perform bussiness logic and after that it should delegate the request to Presentationlayer(like success page or failure page) and also to database layer..

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  • Sep 26th, 2007

middle tier is primarly based on processing the bussiness logic. The main idea of dividing into tiers is like the application developer can concentrate on specific tier in developing webapplication and the changes  that effect the entire application should be as minimum as possible. Always make sure what ever changes you made in middle tier should not effect the entire application at greater extent.

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  • May 21st, 2012

A three-tier architecture is any system which enforces a general separation between the following three parts:

1. Client Tier or user interface
2. Middle Tier or business logic
3. Data Storage Tier

Applied to web applications and distributed programming, the three logical tiers usually correspond to the physical separation between three types of devices or hosts:

1. Browser or GUI Application
2. Web Server or Application Server
3. Database Server (often an RDBMS or Relational Database)

However, inside of the application server, there is a further division of program code into three logical tiers. This is kind of fractal: the part (app server object design) resembles the whole (physical system architecture). In a classic JSP/Servlet system, these objects are usually implemented as:

1. JSPs or Servlets responsible for creating HTML or WML user interface pages
2. Servlets or JavaBeans responsible for business logic
3. Servlets, JavaBeans, or Java classes responsible for data access. These objects usually use JDBC to query the database.

In an EJB system, the three logical tiers are usually implemented somewhat differently:

1. JSPs, Servlets, or Java client applications responsible for user interface
2. Session Beans or Entity Beans whose methods implement business logic and business rules

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