What is meant by Junk Dimension?How do you perfom while running the report?Where will you see the time of running report?Size of the cube?What are the types of prompts in ReportNet?What is macro and how it will be work?What is difference between Cognos and Cognos ReportNet?How do you create cube in ReportNet?There are 10 facts are there.How will you connect all?

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Showing Answers 1 - 24 of 24 Answers

Bijeesh Abraham

  • Jan 19th, 2006

Is LOOP CONSTRAINTS occure in COGNOS , if yes how to resolve that and please tell me how the loops occure in cognos?

Bijeesh Abraham

  • Jan 19th, 2006

Is LOOP CONSTRAINTS occure in COGNOS , if yes how to resolve that and please tell me how the loops occure in cognos?

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Gaurav Gambhir

  • Jan 23rd, 2006


Problem Description

What are looping joins and how do you resolve them?

Solution Description

Looping joins could potentially return incorrect data.
An example of a looping join,

B -> C
A -> < > -> D
E -> F

When you select an item from table A and D, Impromptu will try to choose the shortest path, e.g. if A -> D existed, then this is the path Impromptu will take. But in the above situation, the two paths are equal and so Impromptu has to make a choice, e.g. "A -> B -> C -> D" OR "A -> E -> F -> D". Impromptu makes it's choice based on how the catalog was constructed, which cannot be altered once it's created; order of the tables in the catalog.
The two paths could return different results depending on the relationship between the tables in the path.
The report would be fine IF Impromptu chose the expected path. The choice is not always right.

Eliminating looping joins prevents Impromptu from making the wrong choice. To eliminate looping joins, you can either break unnecessary joins, e.g. reports do not need a join between table F and D, e.g.

B -> C -> D
A -> <
E -> F

But if you need all the joins, use ALIAS tables to break the looping join. Add an alias table for table A and break the join from table A and E, e.g.

A -> B -> C
> -> D
Alias A -> E -> F

Both solutions could affect existing reports.




Looped joins


Nov 04, 1999

Applies To:

Impromptu - 2.0
Impromptu - 3.01
Impromptu - 3.03
Impromptu - 3.04
Impromptu - 3.5
Impromptu - 4.0
Impromptu - 5.0
Impromptu - 7.1

Problem Description

Under the Joins dialog on the Analyze Tab it states a Loop join is present. What does this mean and how can it be resolved?

Solution Description

A Loop Join occurs when there are multiple paths between database tables. An example of this is A joins to B and B joins to C and C joins to A.

The proper definition of join strategies in an Impromptu catalog is crucial to the success of an ad-hoc reporting environment. Impromptu shelters the user from having to know any of the technical information about the database, including name, location, table and column names, and join strategies. The Impromptu Administrator must be very thorough in their definition and testing of the join strategies. Impromptu provides an ability to analyze the joins and determine any anomalies. The most common is the Loop Join.

The implications of the loop join is that there is no way to predetermine which of the various join paths will be used by Impromptu when creating the SQL. SQL is dynamically generated for each report as it is created and before it executes. For example, to create a report using columns from tables A and C, we could join from A=>B=>C or directly from A=>C. In some cases, both of these joins would result in the same data being retrieved. However, in other cases it may result in different data. Impromptu will always try to use the shortest route in joining multiple tables. It will also try to use the tables that are already included in the query, rather than including an additional table.

There is no hard and fast rule to resolving Loop Joins. There are four basic resolutions:
1. Break the join
2. Create alias tables with different join strategies
3. Use the join expression editor to specify the join
4. Modify SQL
Each of these resolutions is done for a different reason and may have some issues associated with it. Determine the best resolution for your situation by analyzing the data with regards to the results required from the join structure.


The join structure looks like this:

A = B
A = C
B = C

This is producing incorrect results. To resolve this issue, make table C an alias to omit the loop in the join structure and this will result in data displaying correctly.

Correct Join Structure:

A = B
A = C alias
B = C

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  • Apr 19th, 2007

Junked dimension is nothing but conformed dimension where two or more fact table share single dimension as junk

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  • Apr 29th, 2007

Junk dimension means rarely updated dimension.

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  • Jun 20th, 2007

Junk dimenssion means Demenssions having more Flags and Boolean.


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  • Sep 15th, 2007

Junk Dimension stores the low cardinatity Data. The low Cardinity data pulled out from the source table then stored in the seperate table Called as Junk Dimension.

And two Dimension are said to be conformed if the fields that you use two loads have the same Dimension.


  • Jun 24th, 2008

A ‘junk’ dimension is a collection of random transactional codes, flags and/or text attributes that are unrelated to any particular dimension. Junk Dimension is just a dimension that stores unwanted attributes.

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  • Jul 28th, 2008

Maximun size of the cube that you can create using Framework manager is 2GB.

Types of prompts in Reportnet are:-
1) Cascading Prompt.
2) Tree Prompt
3) Interval Prompt
4) Time Prompt
5) Date Prompt
6) Value Prompt. and there are some other couples of prompts in reportnet.

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  • Sep 15th, 2009

Junk dimension: All the attributes which are not related to any other
dimension are put together to form a Junk dimension.
Types of Prompts: date prompt, time prompt, datetime prompt, interval prompt,
select and search prompt, tree prompt, generated prompt.
Macro: Marco is nothing but symbolic representation like #, (, en i.e is nothing
but shortly used things which will be done in framework manager to improve the
performance of the reports.
Cube can be created either by generating IQDS which will be source with in the
Different data sources available with in the transformer are

1) Cognos Report
2) Cognos Package
3) IQD
4) Delimited fixed text with column titles
5) Delimited fixed text
6) Access table
7) Access query
8) Excel crosstab
9) Excel database
10) Powerhouse portable subfile
11) Fixed field text
12) Fixed field text with out crlf

Junk diemension is rare case to use in Decision making pupose. Junk dimensions contains Flags and indicators .Mostly it is used for information only not for decision making purpose. ex. Customer did trading throgh telephoe or mail like that ...

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  • Jun 17th, 2011

Junk dimension means, The dimension value which has absolute value in the dimensional hierarchy. and the lowest level of the the dimensions does not have corresponding measures in the face table. When you create a OLAP cube by having the junk dimension while creating a report it will show like 'N/A'.

The junk dimension can be formed in the situation if there is a change in the business logic or change in the historic data in the dimension.

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