What is diffrence between java and java script?

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  • Oct 22nd, 2005

java is a pure objet orianted programing language.Java script is

Scripting programing language.There is no Relation Between java and


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  • Nov 19th, 2005

Java and javascript both based on objects and their is a tight relation ship between these two.

The major difference between these two are:

1.Java is compiled language but javascript is an interpreted language.

2.Java is strongly typed language i.e,it is necessary to declare variables before use but it is not the case with javascript.

3.Java is used independently while javascript is used with in html tags and require web browser to run.

4.java files have the file extension of '.java' while javascript files have extension of '.js'

5.Java can be used for designing standalone applications as well as web pages also while javascript can only be used for designing wed pages.

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Srini Gonuguntla

  • Dec 22nd, 2005

Java is Object Oriented Programming language and where as Java Script is an object-based scripting language.i.e. there is no inheritance and creating of new classes is also not possible, you can only make use of existing objects and their mthods.


Srini Gonuguntla 


  • Feb 3rd, 2007

Hello Raj., Thank you. it was really the worthy answer. Good u take time for the friends around.I am fresher in the java world and afarid of forgetting constructors for these so many methods, to follow google is only option or any tips for the beginnerHrushi,

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vinay kumar

  • May 27th, 2007

really java is independently of any plateform. but java script is dependent only one.
java needs to environment of jdk of any operating system but java script needs html tag andits needs to web browser.

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  • Oct 26th, 2007

Java is a platfrom independent language. It is used for application programming.
But JavaScipt is used to view the presentation part into the web browser.

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java-script is also same as like java only.But java is used in server side scripting and the javascript is used in client side scripting.I will say a real time scenario here consider the normal user login page with fields having username and password if we want server side validations to the username and password then we use java scripting .In another case if we need client side validations then we can use javascript coding in client side using javascripting.

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java-script is also same as like java only.But java is used in server side scripting and the javascript is used in client side scripting. I will say a real time scenario here consider the normal user login page with fields having username and password if we want server side validations to the username and password then we use java scripting . In another case if we need client side validations then we can use javascript coding in client side using javascripting.

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