Can any one help me in writing the testcases on atm transactions.... urgent pls answer to my query

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Mukesh Babu

  • Oct 20th, 2005

There are three main section

1> Balence inquiry-in this section you can make test cases like Total balence should not alter during balance inquiry.

2> Money Transaction-User will not able to withdraw more than avalable amount.

3> Mini Statement-Statement report should be weekly or monthly.or how many transaction should display


  • Nov 17th, 2005

Usecase:Money withdraw from ATM


  1. Successful insertion of card
  2. Unsuccessful operation duto insertion of wrong angle
  3. Unsuccessful operation duto insertion of wrong card(invalid card)
  4. Successful entry of PIN number
  5. Unsuccessful operation duto of wrong PIN enter 3times
  6. Successful selection of languages
  7. Successful selection of Acc Type
  8. Unsuccessful operation duto of wrong Acc Type
  9. Successful Selection of withdraw option
  10. Successful entry of amount

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total we can write 24 testcases

test case 1: succesful insertion of ATM card

test case 2: Unsuccesful insertion of ATM card due to wrong angle .

test case 3: Unsuccesful operation due to wrong account

test case 4: succesful entery of pin number

test case 5: Unsuccesful operation due to wrong pin no. entered 3 times

test case 6: succesful selection of language

test case 7: Unsuccesful operation due to wrong account type selection of atm card like this

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  • Apr 3rd, 2007

here every one discussion about with drawing money, the given question was money transactions .
1.verify ATM card insertion
2.verify card insertion when card in invalid card ( other bank card,scratches on card)
3.verify card insertion with other angles .
4.verify language selection.
5.verify entry of pin number
6.verify operation when you enter wrong pin more than 3 times
7.verify opration with selection of account type.
8.verify operation with selection of wrong account type.
9.verify balance enqiry
10.verify the entered transaction account number
11.verify when entered the transaction accont number is wrong
12. Verify when cancell button click while transfering money.
13.verify after exit

venki chowdary nandipati

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  • May 8th, 2007

Should not allow entry of Paise.

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  • Jul 19th, 2007


First define all your scenarios like withdraw , balance inquery, mini statement, funds transfer etc.

For each scenario you can able to write different no. of test cases.

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I would do a flow chart based on the program structure and derive from that one, the test cases.  I find flow charts very good at testing IF conditions and ERRORS conditions, and LOOPS (such as succesfull/unsuccesfull operations).

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  • Aug 30th, 2007

Verify card insertion
Verify card insertion is wrong angle or improper angle
Verify card insertion with improper account
Verify PIN number entry
Verify operation when you enter wrong pin number 3 times
Verify language selection
Verify account type selection
Verify operation when you selected invalid account type with respect that
inserted card.
Verify withdrawal option selection
Verify amount entry
Verify withdrawal operation correct amount, right receipt and able to take back
the card.
Verify withdrawal operation with wrong demonstrations in amount
Verify withdrawal operation when our amount greater than possible amount
Verify withdrawal operation due to lack of amount in ATM.
Verify withdrawal operation when our amount is greater than day limit
Verify withdrawal operation whenever current transaction number greater than day
limit on number of transaction.
Verify withdrawal operation when we have network problem
Verify cancel after insertion of card
Verify cancel after entry of pin number.
Verify cancel after selection language.
Verify cancel after selection of correct type.
Verify cancel after entry of amount

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  • Oct 12th, 2007

Test Cases for ATM machine

1. Validate insert card in right direction.
2. Validate insert card in wrong direction.
3. Validate enter correct pin number .
4. Validate enter wrong pin number.
5. Validate withdraw amount if amount less than balance.
6. Validate withdraw amount if amount greater than balance.
7. Validate withdraw amount if amount equal to balance.
8. Validate enter amount in multiples of hundred.
9. Validate enter amount in non multiples of hundred.

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Test Cases For ATM in Bank

1. Check Whether ATM is accepting your inserted card
2. Check whether ATM displays to Welcome screen when the card is valid
3. Check whether ATM is displays any 3 language and ask user to select it
4. Check whether the ATM accepts only the first language the user is selected
5. Check whether the ATM is displaying all the things in user selected language
6. Check whether ATM is asking for your PIN number
7. Check whether ATM is accepting your data`s
8. Check whether the ATM verify`s the card with the PIN number is correct
9. Check whether is is correct it moves to next screen
10. Check whether the PIN and the card is wrong it displays a warning message or
asks user to retype the PIN number
11. Check whether the user retype the PIN number it is also wrong the ATM
retains the card
12. Check whether the ATM displays the transactions screen and ask user to
select any open from it
13. Check whether the user selects the withdrawal means it asks the savings or
current a/c
14. Check whether the ATM asks the user to enter the amount to draw from the
15. Check whether the user enter upto the access limit if it exceeds it displays
a warning message
16. Check whether the user gets the amount what he has been entered
17. Check whether the ATM asks the user to print the receipt if it is yes it
gives balance of his account
18. Check whether the user gets the printed receipt the ATM returns back the

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user interface
   + screens have proper format and text
   + buttons correspond to proper items on screens
   + keypad entries are properly displayed
   + can backspace to delete entries
   + branding

   + debit or credit card information
   + pin code
   + transaction charge
   + deposit limit per transaction
   + deposit limit per day
   + withdrawal limit per transaction
   + withdrawal limit per day
   + account status
      > card active
      > card inactive
          -reported stolen
          -suspicious activity (internal)

insert card
   + improper card
   + proper card
       > wrong way
       > upside down
       > correctly  
             + asks for pin
                  -proper pin
                  -improper pin

check balance
   + of checking account
   + of savings account
   + another transaction
       > yes
       > no
   + get receipt
       > yes
       > no
    + transaction charge (none)

   + to checking account
   + to savings account
      > upper limit (+.01 and -.01)
      > lower limit (+.01 and -.01)
      > nothing
    + correct amount
       > yes
       > no
    + another transaction
        > yes
        > no
    + get receipt
        > yes
        > no
    + transaction charge (none)

    + from checking account
    + from savings account
       > upper limit (+.01 and -.01)
       > lower limit (+.01 and -.01)
       > nothing
    + correct amount
       > yes
       > no
    + another transaction
        > yes
        > no
    + get receipt
         > yes
         > no
     + transaction charge (amount + acct type)
fast cash withdrawal
   + from checking account
   + from savings account
       > 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 or 200
   + correct amount
       > yes
       > no
   + another transaction
       > yes
       > no
   + get receipt
       > yes
       > no
   + transaction charge (amount + acct type)

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Scenario1: ATM card insetion:
Test cases :
1)Verify card insertion in correct direction
2)verify card insertion in wrong direction
3)Verify insertion with invalid card i.e expired card
Scenario2: Language selection:
Test cases:
1)Select a lanuguage and verify the text is displaying according to the selection
Scenario3:PIN number entry:
Test Cases:
1)Enter valid pin nuber and verify the transaction
2)Enter invalid pin number 3 times and verify
Scenario4:A/C information:
Test cases:
1)Select a wrong account and verify the transaction
2)Select a correct account and verify the transaction
3)Verify the transaction with closed account
Scenario5:Money withdraw:
Test cases:
1)Verify with the correct amount
2)Verify with amount more than savings in the A/C
3)Verify transaction with 0 entry
4)Verify the transaction with more than day limit
Test cases:
1)Verify cancell of the transaction after money withdraw process
2)Verify the cancellation middle of the transaction
3)Verify if the transaction is cancelled before with drawal process the entire process should rollback
4)Verify the rollback process if the power cut is happen in the middle of the transaction.
Scenario7:Print receipt
Test cases:
1)Verify the message print receipt yes or no
2)Verify weather the receipt is dispatched by selecting yes option
3)Verify the transation by selecting print recipt no option
4)Verify the received receipt is for the correct A/C or not.

Correct me if i am wrong or if any modifications are required.


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