What is Form Customization? What are the basic step one has to follow? What are the different Types of Form Customization?

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  • Jan 15th, 2006

Customization is the process of creating  a new form or changing the look of the standard form based on the businees rules specified by the user.

there are two methods of form customization

1. customization by modification extension (custom.pll)

2. 1. customization by extension(template.fmb)

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Pawan Ahuja

  • Dec 9th, 2006

Customization is the process of Modifying the Standard in oracle apps as per the business application or client requirement .

there are two methods of form customization

1. customization by modification extension (custom.pll) library

2. Development of new form by using (template.fmb)


Pawan Ahuja

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  • Apr 30th, 2008

Form customization basically means mapping the requirements of your client's business with oracle by building forms( apart from oracle forms).Now,there are many tools available for building these custom forms, eg. forms 6i by oracle etc.(latest being forms10g).
One has to follow these steps in form customization -

1. Understand the requirement of your client's business. Now, in any form there are two entities - header & line. Header consist of data that is single while lines consist of multiple data.
2. Decide the table structure for header & lines depending on the business requirement.
3. Open any form building tool, I have used forms 6i. Import the tables from database to form what are called data blocks. Suppose you have 2 tables(1 for header & 1 for lines) importing them will form two data blocks.
4. Once data blocks are formed, write PL/SQL,triggers etc. to fulfill the requirement of the custom form.
5. Now,the above steps will create what is called .fmb file.Compile the filename.fmb to create an executable file with extension .fmx, using the following command-

f60gen module=filename.fmb  output_file=/applprod/prodappl /gmi/11.5.0/forms/US /filename.fmx userid=login/password( schema password)

Thus, you have created the form.Now to register the form follow these steps -:

1. Goto responsibility -APPLICATION DEVELOPER
2. APPLICATION DEVELOPER -> APPLICATION->FORMS. Enter the executable filename(.fmx one) under form & the module in which you have placed .fmx file under applications ( say order management for ONT).

4. Thus the forms is registered in oracle applications.Now, we need to assign this form to a responsibility. For this first  go to responsibility SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR ->SECURITY->RESPONSIBILITY. Query for the responsibility to which you want to attach the form & copy the menu name from the form.

To attach the form to a menu ,go to
5. APPLICATION DEVELOPER -> APPLICATION->MENU. Copy the menu name you copied from step 4 to Menu (or User Menu name) & query.

6. Add the form in the lines. Thus your form is ready to be used by the user.

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