How to pass multiple values from picklist prompt to sub report filter

The sub-report only includes the first value.
"When the sub-report query runs, it checks for the first row in the Customer Name column and shows only information for that customer. If you want a sub-report to show information for another row in the column, place the main report in a form frame that shows only one row at a time. When you insert the sub-report into the form frame as well, it changes as you click through the rows in the main report. For example, the main and sub-report above are both in a form frame that shows only one row of the Customer Name column at a time. Each time you scroll to another customer name, the sub-report shows only information for that customer."

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Sep 25th, 2007

By using the 'IN' operator in creation of a prompt we can create a sub report.  When the prompt executes, you can select multiple values and the results from the sub-report will reflect those selected items.

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Create 2 reports in do this actions in 2nd report(detailed Report)

Create 1 prompt here 'Ex value prompt on Customer  name '
Create one filter on date field 'like IS_CURRENT=?P_IS_CURRENT? as a summary filter

Now come to 1st report do this actions
--filter IS_CURRENT='Y'( is current is the data item in the report)

Now select the Customer  name data item in properties  select drillthrough definations

It will popup one new window
Create new drillthrough defination

Select 2nd report , default action-- runreport
Default format--default
Select check box open in new window
Click the pencilmark, you are getting 2 parameters here 
One -- P_CUST_NAME-- passdataitemvalue--custname
2nd -- P_IS_CURRENT--same action for this also
Click OK, OK,
Save the report 
Run the report

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