The following questions answers pls posted to the this site.1. What is the definition of Non-functional Testing and what types of testing we have to do in non-functional testing?2. what is the Definition of System Testing and what types of testing we have to do in System Testing?3. what is the Definition of System Integration Testing and what types of testing we have to do in System IntegrationTesting?

Questions by mnagireddy

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Oct 15th, 2005

1.Non-functional testing involves Basic GUI testing, System Integration testing, volume testing and all other tests wherein we not going to verify and validate the functionality of an application like for example:

A basic Windows login test would involve just testing the quality of interface and proper placing of controls but we wont be verifying whther its properly authenticating users.


  • Jul 3rd, 2006


Usablity,stress,load,compatible etc are related to nonfunctional testing whereas testing related to the business requirement is functional testing.

for example: functional testing in yahoo mail server is creating the new yahoo user whereas nonfunctional is testing the server response time, user concurrencies and so on.

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Non functional testing are those testing whcih dont test the functionality of the Application in anyway.

Like :

1) Performance testing.
2)load Testing.
3)Sanity testing
4) Security testing.
5)web based testing.


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  • Jun 5th, 2007

1) Non-Functional testing means where we are testing the non-functional features of the application.
even performance testing ,usability testing ,gui tesing comes under Non-Functional testing where as they have some importance role on application..

2) System testing means we have to take whole system as a single unit and test it. may be inside that system there are so many modules but in S.T we are not bother about the individula modules. give the input and check the final out put of the system as per requirement.

3) System Integration Testing  means we have to check the interface between the different systems or may be in between the different modules on a single system.

panibiswajit @ yahoo....


  • Jul 3rd, 2007

1)as name says what all doesn't come under functional are called as non-functional.
we have 6 types under dis
i)configuaration testing
ii)compatability testing
iii)recovery testing
iv)intersystem or end-to-end testing
v)internationalization or multilinguity testing
vi)installation testing

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  • Jul 15th, 2007

Non functional testing is testing the non functional requirements of a

Non functional requirement specifies how the system should behave. It is a
constraint upon the system's behavior.

Typical non-functional requirements are:
Performance - Response Time, Throughput, Utilization, Static Volumetric
Data Integrity


  • Aug 7th, 2007

Since we have quiet a few answers for the first question i will leave it alone

(2)System Testing:
Testing an application to ensure that it meets its functional and non functional requirements.
Functional Techniques: +ve, _ve, Random, Smoke ect
Non Functional: Stess, Load, Volume, Reliability etc

(3)System integration Testing:
The objective of System Integration Testing is to provide confidence that the application under test(AUT) is able to interoperate successfully with the other software systems in the live environment.

as far as techniques concerned you could use Compatibility and Reliability.

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  • Aug 13th, 2010

Functional testing would be testing the each module and make sure that the flow/navigation/scenarios related to business are workign as expected.

Non functional testing would be testing the application as a whole to see that there are no hackings/application breakdowns occured.
Ex: Security and performance testing

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