A developer company sends dll's to the client. someclient is not happy current functionality, so requestsome modification. developer made some changes andsend new dll to all clients. Some client is happy withold version, tell me minimal change to so that neitherclients get affected.

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers

Vinoth Kumar A

  • Nov 14th, 2005

in vb.net we have a version control in there we have this is the old version of Dll we have change only the for the New dll which is compablitly of the ealry version.

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  • Aug 29th, 2006

Put the both the versions of dll in GAC. Make a publisher policy file which instructs to use versin 2 instead of 1.

Then create on application.config file in which you put publisherpolicy attribute to false. so that it will use the older version.

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